Interfaces Tab - APIS

Interfaces Tab - APIS

The APIS section permits the user to input information specific to their company’s APIS account.
See below pertaining to Password fields for those on FOS version 3.14.1 or better. 
(Main View of Interfaces Tab - APIS) 

“UN/EDIFACT” Section - Contains information only relevant to Part 135 and 121 operations (Commercial).
Company - The company name associated to the account should be entered here. Sender ID - The sender ID will be issued by CBP. 
Fax - This field is for the fax number associated with your account. 
CBP E-Mail - needs to be added to this field. 
Cc E-Mail- The email address specified here will be copied in on any email transmissions.
CBP ID & Password
- These credentials are the credentials used to log into the CBP e-APIS website. Note: Passwords for the CBP website expire every 90 days and this field must be updated when the password changes.

**With FOS version 3.14.1, the password is now managed at the Collins level and individual customer accounts will not need to update their respective password in FOS. Customers are still encouraged to keep active CBP accounts and store their passwords separately in the event they need to utilize the CBP site directly for eAPIS needs** 

Send as E-Mail Attachment & Use SMTP E-Mail -Both options are discouraged from being used since the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) prefers the APIS report transmitted via the web interface. 
Flight Number- The user will be required to determine how the Flight Number will be sent to APIS. Flight Number will default to “Trip Number” radio button, to where FOS will append the leg number when the APIS report is sent. 

*** The operator will need to consider which option works best for their operation, understanding the following constraints that CBP has placed on the character limit for the APIS Flight ID. CBP only recognizes the FIRST SEVEN (7) characters of whichever string you select (including the CBP ID prefix). Here is a breakdown of what each option does, and a trip example for each. ***

Example trip 
Tail Number: N123AB
Flt Tracking Tail No: FOS123 
Trip Number: 235 
Leg Number: 1 
Leg Flight Number: 789 
Trip Num: As stated above, if you select the 'Trip Num' option FOS will use the CBP ID + TRIP NUMBER + LEG NUMBER. Here is an example using the trip example above. 
Note: CBP will accept/receive all of this since only 7 characters. 
AC Tail Num: If you select the 'AC Tail Num' option FOS will use the CBP ID + AC TAIL NUMBER. Here is an example using the trip example above. 
Note: CBP will only accept/receive the "APGN123", cutting off the rest. 
Leg Flt Num: If you select the 'Leg Flt Num' option FOS will use the CBP ID + LEG FLIGHT NUMBER (or TRIP FLIGHT NUMBER if nothing is noted in the leg). This is not to be confused with the TRIP NUMBER. There is a specific field for FLIGHT NUMBER in trip and leg. Here is an example using the trip example above. 
Note: CBP will accept/receive all of this since only 6 characters. 
AC Flt Trk Num: If you select the 'AC Flt Trk Num' option FOS will use the CBP ID + AC FLT TRACKING TAIL NUM. Here is an example using the trip example above. 

Note: CBP will only accept/receive the "APGFOS1", cutting off the rest.
Choose your option carefully. There are situations where, due to the 7 character limitation, you could submit the same APIS FLIGHT ID for more than one flight on a given date. This leads to unwanted results with the CBP eAPIS system (i.e. merging of trip data, creating erroneous crew and pax counts). 

 “UN/EDIFACT and APIS 91” (Private) Section 

This section applies to both the UN/EDIFACT submission and submission for 91 operators.

Contact and Phone - The contact information for the individual listed on the CBP e-APIS account should be listed here. 
Allow Non-Fatal Errors - If selected, allows the system to submit the APIS report even if there is any information missing from the report that DHS has determined is wanted but not mandatory, e.g. middle names. 
Foreign Carrier
- Must be selected if you are a carrier registered outside of the United States. 

“APIS 91” Section 
This section provides fields relevant to Part 91 operations only. The flight number field will default to “Leg Flt Num.”

91 Sender ID - The sender ID will be issued by CBP. 
91 Emg E-Mail- The emergency email address will be included in the e-APIS submission
Password- The password used for logging into the CBP e-APIS website will be entered here.
Note: Passwords for the CBP website expire every 90 days and this field must be updated when the password changes. **With FOS version 3.14.1, the password is now managed at the Collins level and individual customer accounts will not need to update their respective password in FOS. Customers are still encouraged to keep active CBP accounts and store their passwords separately in the event they need to utilize the CBP site directly for eAPIS needs**
Flight Number- The user will be required to determine how the Flight Number will be sent to APIS. Flight Number will default to “Trip Number” radio button, to where FOS will append the leg number when the APIS report is sent.
NOTE: CBP advised that for private flights, they only look at the aircraft tail number, so this selection may be irrelevant. 

“Check TSA” Section 
This section was built for 121 operators that use the Check TSA interface. With the proper credentials completed users are able to right click on a leg within a trip and send a copy of the leg manifest to Check TSA. 

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