This tab provides more login credentials for interfaces supported by FOS.
(Main view of the Interfaces Tab - Applications)
Accounting XML Export - This was originally designed for an accounting interface with the BASE product. However, this may also be used to provide an XML export of the quotes in your FOS system that have been marked “Ready” for invoicing. Once this box is checked in the quote, the interface manager will export the details in XML format to the export directory set at the login window of FOS of whatever computer is running the interface manager. Once the XML document is exported, the quote is marked “Invoiced”. This XML document can then be used to import into most accounting systems.
APG - This allows users to run APG analysis within the legs of a trip.
Custom SFTP Export 1 & 2- This interface was custom designed to export reports to an SFTP site designated by the customer.
Enter the appropriate username, password, server and port information as instructed by your IT.
ETS Aviation - This interface sends leg details, if EU ETS field is completed within a leg, to ETS Aviation for emissions reporting.
Flight Aware - This will allow users to access Flight Aware flight tracking through FOS. NOTE: If the company is already using flight tracking through an ARINCDirect subscription this section will not need to be completed.
Flight Data Services - This option will allow FOS to interface with the Flight Data Monitoring (FDM) and Flight Quality Assurance tools offered by this vendor.
Flight Risk - This allows users to run flight risk assessments within FOS trips and FOS Mobile.
FOS Trip Replication to Flight Risk - This option enables FOS to automatically sent trips to the Flight Risk interface.
Use Credentials from Trip/Quote Company - This option allows FOS to use the credentials for the company assigned to the Trip/Quote when launching Flight Risk, rather than the company assigned to the FOS User profile.
Crew Duty Replication to Flight Risk - This option will allow users to send additional crew duty information that can be used for duty / fatigue analysis within Flight Risk. For more information about the new functionality, please contact Hide Requester - The Trip Requester information will be excluded in the Flight Risk transmission.
Timer Interval - This is a timer set specific to the Flight Risk integrations with regards to how frequently you want data to automatically sync over to that platform; this works separate from the main interface timer on the Settings page.
FlightSafety - This interface will import FlightSafety's course list and training completion dates and log book entries once the Training module has been properly configured.
Note: Some configuration will be required within the FOS and within FlightSafety before the integration can work seamlessly.
Guardian 20/20 - This interface exports leg information to Guardian 20/20 where the cost of the flight can be retrieved by the corporate flight department.
iJET - This imports employee commercial travel into the iJET database so employees can be tracked and located in case of an emergency.
NATA IC Check - NATA is a flight risk assessment that exports trip legs into the company's NATA account.
Fatigue - This activates FOS integration with SAFE, IBR SAFTE-FAST, and Pulsar Safety Management Systems (SMS). Note: The maximum number of days back and days forward is 225, however individual vendors may have set their own limitations.
The ability to select different days back / days forward for Fatigue has been implemented with changes to the FOS Calendar when launching Fatigue from the FOS Schedule board. This change is included for FOS Version and higher.
Additionally, the checkbox "Add Days Back After Picking Cal Range" has been added. If “Add Days Back After Picking Cal Range” has been checked, when launching Fatigue from the FOS Operations / Schedule Board, the dates highlighted will only highlight the days forward. The days back will still be included, however, this allows users to select different days forward, without needing to select the days back.