This section allows the user to define what information may be imported and exported to the displayed third party maintenance providers.
(Main view of the Interfaces tab - Maintenance)
"Maintenance Settings" Section
Ac Total and Next Due Times - Permits the interface to retrieve maintenance due data and create due items based on when the next date, hour and cycle maintenance is coming due on the aircraft. This feature will also send aircraft times to the maintenance program.
Aircraft Schedule - Permits FOS to send the flight schedule to the maintenance program.
Due Items - Permits FOS to receive due items from the maintenance program. Work Orders - Permits FOS to receive work orders from the maintenance program.
Hours and Minutes field - By default, the system will retrieve maintenance due items every twenty-four hours. To change default, set desired time value in allowed field, however it is recommended that the interval is not set below one hour.
Include on Status Sheet - Option automatically reviews the option in the imported maintenance items that allows FOS to display the item on a report when generated from FOS.
Grace Period Authorized - FOS will import due items and check the grace period authorized box.
Schedule Projection Level - Sets a projection level in the imported due items so users may display items set only at a specific level or higher (0 = highest level).