Introduction to Automated Reporting

Introduction to Automated Reporting

What is Reporting? (Automated Reporting)

Reports may be set up to run at specified times, saved or e-mailed without a user having to do this
manually each time. Some of the reports that are available for set up:

  1. Calendar reports – reports may be sent out at certain intervals to keep crew or Passengers updated on the flight schedule
  2. Monthly reports - for the corporate office
  3. Flight and duty reports - for crewmembers
  4. HTML Format – certain reports may be saved in HTML format so that they may be loaded directly to a website. If a user does not have access to FOS, they will always have up to date information accessible via an internet or intranet site.

Another benefit of the automated reporting is for users that do not access FOS regularly. These users may log in and go directly to the automated reporting feature to print the information needed without having to look it up in one of the menus. The reports may be set up one time with the needed parameters and simply printed when the information is required.

Please note, passenger reports may not be used with the automated reporting feature.
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