Introduction to the Flight Log

Introduction to the Flight Log

Introduction to the Flight Log

The Flight Log displays all pertinent post flight information dealing with a trip, split up into legs.  

Selecting a leg from the top section will display specific information for that leg on each of the different tabs. You can manually select a leg, or cycle through them with the Prev Leg and Next Leg buttons.

The Status will show whether the trip has been Scheduled, Completed, Reserved, Released, under Maintenance, Cancelled, Available or on Standby. The Validations button allows a quick look at each leg's Flight Log Validations view. Calc Chargebacks will calculate/recalculate chargebacks on any new or pending chargeback costs.

As scheduled

After logged and verified

At the bottom of the window you'll find the following options:

OK - Save and close the Flight Log window
OK & 30 Day Legality Ck - Save, do a 30 day legality check for the flight, and close the Flight Log window
Cancel - Cancels any recent changes to the Flight Log and closes the Flight Log window
Reset - Resets all fields within the Flight Log
Verify - Verifies the Flight Log and locks the leg from additional changes
Trip - Opens the trip notebook
Duty Time - Review the crew Duty Times for the duty day
City Pair - If you believe some of the defaults of the leg have been set from a city pair entry, select the ‘City Pair’ button and it will open the city pair entry that is being used within the leg.
Service Issue - Create / Modify Vendor Service Failure for Aircraft's Vendor ADFS
Trend - Opens Trend Monitoring Data and Aircraft Data windows
Print - Prints a print screen of the Flight Log
Help - Opens web-based KB search

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