OK - Save and close the Flight Log window
OK & 30 Day Legality Ck - Save, do a 30 day legality check for the flight, and close the Flight Log window
Cancel - Cancels any recent changes to the Flight Log and closes the Flight Log window
Reset - Resets all fields within the Flight Log
Verify - Verifies the Flight Log and locks the leg from additional changes
Trip - Opens the trip notebook
Duty Time - Review the crew Duty Times for the duty day
City Pair - If you believe some of the defaults of the leg have been set from a city pair entry, select the ‘City Pair’ button and it will open the city pair entry that is being used within the leg.
Service Issue - Create / Modify Vendor Service Failure for Aircraft's Vendor ADFS
Trend - Opens Trend Monitoring Data and Aircraft Data windows
Print - Prints a print screen of the Flight Log
Help - Opens web-based KB search