The import utility allows users to import various data directly into the system quickly.
The most commonly used import functions are for fuel pricing information and the No Fly and Selectee lists. There are a number of other import tools users may utilize such as custom data imports.
(Main View of the Import Utility)
Header Options:
Load - This option allows users to select a template file from their desktop.
Save - This allows users to save a template file that has been created within FOS. Default - This option will load the default template hard coded in FOS.
Note: These options are generally used for the custom import tools and users will most often not need to use them.
Template File - The file path to the template file will be displayed here.
Lookup - This button allows users to select a .csv data file to be imported into FOS. Input Data File - The file path to the data file to be imported will be displayed here. Separator- This option specifies how data within a data file is separated and should not be adjusted unless notified by Tech Support.
Footer Options:
Print - This option will generate a print screen of this window.
Help- This option will populate notes with regards to creating a template file.
Open Import Log - When data is imported into FOS the import log captures basic information on whether or not the import was completed successfully along with any error that may have occurred.
Debug - This option is generally used by the Tech Support team when troubleshooting issues users may encounter.