Legacy Maintenance Interface Set-up Help Guide

Legacy Maintenance Interface Set-up Help Guide

The first step in setting up FOS and a third party maintenance vendor is to go into Company Data on the Interface Tab and click on the Maintenance Tab. This is where all vendor credentials will be stored and also you can choose the Maintenance Settings on the Company Level. Attached is a chart of what each vendor offers as far as import/export function.

Company Module

1. Maintenance Credentials: The 3rd party maintenance program must first be contacted before the FOS interface can be turned on. They will provide credentials (if necessary) that need to be entered in the Company Data section.
2. Ac Total and Next Due Times: Sends total times to maintenance program and allows for the import of next due times into Without this, nothing will work.
3. Aircraft Schedule: This is for CAMP only. This will send the A/C schedule to CAMP.
4. Due Item: This will imports the maintenance due list
5. Work orders: This is for CAMP only - imports work orders (they show up as maintenance items)
6. Hrs: min: If this field is left blank, the imports will occur once per day.
7. Include on Status Sheet: If this field is checked, it will include imported items on the status sheet.
8. Grace Period Authorized: Check this field if the Grace Period is Authorized
9. Schedule Projection Level: 0 = no filter 2= only those w/2 or greater in their user profile can see the maintenance items on schedule and aircraft status display

Once the Vendor's Credentials have been entered into the Company Data you will need to set up the Aircraft Record. First you will want to confirm that the Tail Number, Aircraft Serial Number, and Engine Serial Numbers that are entered in FOS match what is entered on the Vendor's site. This will include spaces and dashes.

After that information has been entered you will want to setup the Tail Number to be linked to the correct Program and which information you would like to send from FOS and import into FOS.

First select the Maintenance Vendor from the drop down list and enable the integration options required.

Export Options:
  1. Flight Log Times: Exports logged and verified flight log times.
  2. Aircraft schedule: For CAMP only, sends the aircraft schedule.

Import Options:
  1. Maint times: Only imports the next date/hours/cycles when maintenance is next due. This is not a specific item, rather could be a combination of several items.
  2. Work Orders: For CAMP only, imports the work orders/work order due date
  3. Work Order Details: For CAMP only, imports the details/all tasks in the work order.
  4. Due items: Imports the full list of individual mx items.
  5. Est Due Date: Due dates will be sent over based on projection The maintenance system calculates the projection, not FOS.
  6. Due Items - End of Month: Tells FOS that the imported maintenance items that are due each month, are due by end of month, rather than on an exact date, one month from last done
  7. Ac Status: For CAMP only, changes the Aircraft Status to red, yellow, or green
  8. Due items days/hours/cycles: imports the items due on those intervals
  9. Start Date: Enter the date you want to start using FOS to import/export times to the selected 3rd party maintenance program. If you verify an aircraft log prior to that date, it will not send that entry to the 3rd party maintenance program.

Aircraft Times Tab

1. Utilization: Shows the average daily hours and cycles usage
2. Maintenance Projection: How many days back and days forward FOS will look
  1. Utilization: Will calculate the average hours flown per day for the time period
  2. Scheduled: Puts the timer on the calendar for X days forward
3. Next Due Calc:
  1. Actual: date actually next du
  2. Scheduled: based on flights already scheduled, when maintenance is next du
  3. Projected: takes the earliest of the three (actual, scheduled, utilization)
4. Maint Warning Limits: Set the values for when you wish to receive warnings on the maintenance items
5. APU Hours: Do not include APU/Ac Acc in next maintenance due

Operations Board (to turn on maintenance display on schedule board):
1. In “Windows”->”Scheduling Parameters”
  1. Select the “Ac Maintenance” checkbox
  2. If you have a secondary filter set-up, select the “Ac Maintenance” checkbox under the secondary filter as well.

2. In “Window”->”Scheduling Defaults”
  1. Select Maintenance Status Sheet items, Aircraft Maintenance, and Maintenance Projection Recalc checkboxes, and AC Maintenance Item preference

3. On the schedule board, select “Display”-->”Maintenance Items” OR “Maintenance Item Details”

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