Maint Tab

Maint Tab

This section contains the standard maintenance items for the aircraft. Items may be entered manually or imported from the maintenance program interface. 

Filtering Options 

The top of the list contains filtering fields. You may filter the maintenance items by category, the item it is tracked against, or the ATA code.

The display may viewed by the aircraft next due or when the next engine or accessory item is due. The list also shows the next due date, hours and landings. 

Display Options 

Display To Go Times – If selected, the countdown will be displayed based on the Schedule Field from the Times Tab. As on the schedule board, this will display the “To Go” data in the list for the next item due based on the current date (as shown below) 

Show N/A – If selected, items that have been marked not applicable will display.

Multiple Selection – If selected, you will be able to highlight multiple items at once.

Opening Maintenance Items 

Items may be opened by double clicking or right-clicking and selecting “Edit” Below - Opening Maintenance Item: 

Below – Maintenance Item record:

After item is opened, you may edit data, sign the item off, or create a work order.
Creating a work order will open the CASS item screen so the work order may be edited or filled out.
If a hard copy of the work order is required, a report may be designed to satisfy the criteria. 

*Note: Signing off an item in FOS does not replicate through the maintenance system interface. The item must be completed in the maintenance program and then replicated to FOS. 

Data Fields 

Category, Type, Maint Vendor – Item may be classified by category and type. If necessary, item may be assigned to a maintenance vendor.

N/A– Shows the item is not applicable. 

Include on Status Sheet – Denotes the item should display on reports and on the schedule board as a maintenance due item.

(May be set by the option in the Company Data, Interface 1 tab for items that are imported) 

Exclude from Aircraft Next Due – Prevents the next due calculation from using this item in its computations. 

Schedule Projection Level – Allows the level to be set for viewing on the schedule board by users.

The users may set the level in the scheduling defaults. All items at that level or below will display on the schedule.
(May be set by the option in the Company Data, Interface 1 tab for items that are imported) 

Imported from Maintenance System – Checked if item is imported from a maintenance interface. 

Aircraft Type Maintenance item – Checked if item has been inherited from the aircraft type data. The “Open” button opens to that item in the aircraft type. 

Item will be tracked against – Radio button should be selected that corresponds to the item against which the date, hours, or cycles should be tracked. 

E-Mail Alert – Records the date and time the e-mail alert was sent for this item. If you wish the item to send another e-mail alert, click the “Reset” button.

Data Fields continued 

1) Enter data into these fields as necessary. Engine Serial numbers may be set from the aircraft log by clicking “Set From AC Log” (if the item is an engine item). 

2) These fields contain the due information for the maintenance item. 

Line one is for calendar items, line two is for hourly items, and line three is for cyclical items. Any one of these liens or a combination may be used to determine when the item is due. Shown below is when the item was last done, when it is due next, next due based on the airframe, the remaining information, interval and any overrun criteria for the items. The overrun is calculated within the due interval so if you have an item due every 30 days, FOS assumes that the overrun time entered, for example 5 days is part of the due date and therefore the due date shows 25 days from the day of signoff. 

3) This section contains the following information: 

Information on the initial date 

Hour or cycles the item was signed off 

Projected date of the due item based on the information from the Times tab 

A grace period if authorized. 

The authorized checkbox may get set by the option in the Company Data, Interface 1 tab for items that are imported. 

The last signoff information is also displayed in this section. 

4) The “Dual Interval” section may be set to whatever “item due” criteria are necessary. If the item is due by two or more of the date, hours, cycles settings, setting the radio button to “Due First” will make the item due when the first set of criteria reaches it due cycle. Setting the radio button to “Due Last” will make the item come due on the set of criteria with the latest due cycle. 

You may also set a scheduled work date and a time required to complete the item. These fields are informational and may be used for reporting.

5) Enter general comments about the maintenance items here 

Note: Using the maintenance interface reloads a new set of maintenance items each time it runs. Please be cautious when entering data that you need to keep as is, or it will be overwritten each time data is imported. 

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