Managing Currency Rates

Managing Currency Rates

The Currency Module can be accessed from the Admin Tab of the Main Menu in FOS.

The Currency Module in FOS will allow users to manually enter currency conversion rates. These rates will need to be manually updated and managed and are not imported automatically from out of FOS.
The rates can be manually updated by FOS Users by clicking the + button in the Module.

Clicking the + button will allow a new rate to be entered.

In the Currency 1 and Currency 2 fields the user will enter the currency rate pair. In the exchange rate from fields at the bottom the user will enter the current exchange rate between the two

In the example below 1 USD is equal to 3.04 PGK. That is entered in the PGK to USD Field. The second rate 1 PGK is equal to 0.33 USD and that is entered in the USD to PGK Field.

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