Pax Rates

Pax Rates

Once set up, passenger rates automate the calculation of chargebacks on a per-passenger basis. The tab allows you to show rates marked as “Past Rates” and also access the SIFL table since you may need to base certain rates off of the SIFL table calculation. 

Rate Types:
Std (Standard) rate: If selected, you may enter a cost based on the unit on a per passenger basis (Pax Cost) or an aircraft basis (A/C Cost), which will distribute the cost evenly among the passengers on a leg. Each passenger may also be charged a terminal charge fee, have a minimum amount per leg and an A/C add-on. These may be a dollar figure or a percentage if the “Addon Percent” box is checked. 
Share A/C Cost – this selection allows you to fix a current amount or a percentage of the calculated rate in the trip passenger. The balance will be distributed equally among the remaining passengers. 
Trip Cost Per Pax – this selection allows you to split the cost evenly among the passengers onboard the trip, regardless of which leg(s) they are on. 
Leg Expenses – this selection will include the expenses of the trip in the chargeback along with the rate calculation. 

SIFL rate: 
This option uses the SIFL type of entry to calculate passenger charges. Up to three different rates may be entered with a mileage interval, a terminal charge and a percentage multiple for the aircraft. Leg expenses are also an option that may be added.

Var (Variable) rate:
This option allows you to enter rates charged on the basis of how many passengers are on board.

Example below:
One to ten passengers would be charged $3000.00 per hour, eleven to twenty passengers would be charged $2500.00 per hour and more than twenty passengers are charged $2000.00 per hour. 
You may also calculate in the leg expenses and include a terminal charge.

Fixed rate: 
This option is the same as the variable with except that the rates listed in the intervals are in miles rather than by passenger count.

Below example: rate intervals listed by miles: 

PTP (Point-to-point) rate: 
This calculation is a simple cost per passenger based on whichever units are selected plus a terminal charge and leg expenses (if selected). The way someone may use this would be for a passenger assigned to segments such as the following; IAH-LAS-SEA. With the PTP option FOS would calculate the EFT for the great circle route between IAH-SEA.

Fare rate: 
This option calculates the fare found in the city pair and then uses the “Charge Factor” to calculate for the passenger.

A/L (Airline) rate: 
This selection uses the information from the Company Data to calculate the passenger rate.

SIFL Table:
This selection uses the SIFL table for the calculation and corresponds to the type of purpose in the SIFL table by setting the proper radio button.
If necessary, you may opt to set an aircraft multiple over ride. You may apply only to control employees or chose not to apply to security and employees.

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