Mobile Groups

Mobile Groups

The Mobile Groups Page is accessed from the Mobile & Web Management module. This is where you can create groups so mobile permissions will be managed at a group level vs. in the individual user profiles.

This list will display any mobile groups that have been made along with all Users that have the Mobile Access box checked in their user profile. 

Sort Options 
Selecting the various sort options will order the list based off of the option that has been selected. 
  1. User Initials 
  2. Device Type 
  3. Device ID 
  4. Group Name

Search Options 
The User field can be used to search the list.  
The show expired check box, if selected, will filter expired users into the list. 

Additional functions 
Editing a record will allow the user to adjust permissions for the record selected. The permissions changed will then apply to any FOS User who is set to use the group for mobile controls. 

Clicking the red "+" button will allow the user to create a group or use the lookup button to apply the permissions that have been set to a specific user. 

Permission details can be located in the Users Module > Mobile Tab help guide within the Knowledgebase.

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