Operations Tab

Operations Tab

The “Operations” Tab contains selections related to the operations and scheduling features in FOS. It is extremely important that all options are selected correctly as appropriate for operational functions that will affect that of the schedule and flight logs. 

(Main view of Operations Tab) 

“Crew Duty Options” Section 

Auto-Create Duty Segment - These options determine if the trip automatically creates a flight duty segment for the crewmembers when they are assigned to a trip. The pre and post flight times with which the duty period is created is determined by the times set on the "Times" tab. The user has the option to never create a duty segment, create one only after the flight logs have been verified, or create one when the trip is scheduled. 
Note: If the ‘Never’ or ‘Flight Logs’ option is used, there will be no warnings for the crewmember if they are going to exceed their regulated duty period or if there will be a conflict with another activity. 
Auto-Create Layover Days – When this option is activated, a crewmember will receive a layover day when away from their home airport and no flight duty activity is scheduled for that day. 
Layover Days Get Duty Time
– When this option is selected, duty time and the associated rest period will be calculated for the Layover Day. The duty time and rest period will be calculated based on the “Default Duty Day & Rest” entered on the “Times” tab.
Auto-Create Pilot Not Flying Days – This option will create an activity on any day the pilot is not flying. This activity will only be created on days in the past. 
Note: Using this option may cause the schedule to load slowly due to the number of activities being created and loaded. 
Duty Off Augmented Crew – This option allows the user to manually end the flight duty period of a crewmember during the flight without FOS creating a duty period to make up the difference. 
Prompt Keep Duty if Cx Under X hours - If the amount of hours is populated into Company Data, crewmembers have been briefed for a trip, and the trip is then canceled, the FOS user will receive a pop-up that says “Crew briefs have been sent for this canceled trip, would you like to keep the duty periods?” 
Pop up message when a trip is cancelled within the specified time frame: 

"User Alert Days" Section

User Alert Days - These settings set the default intervals for which alerts throughout FOS will be sent. 
Max Alert- Users may set a “Max Alert” time so that when e-mail alerts are sent they are sent out for any items up to a certain number of days old. This may be set as high as 255 days. 

“Logbook” Section 

SIC can get PIC Time if P/F - Allows the SIC to log PIC if they are the pilot manipulating the flight controls. 
Note: To ensure crewmembers that are qualified only as an SIC log PIC time when they are manipulating the controls and are type rated in the aircraft, there is an option in the aircraft qualification that must be checked. 
P/NF same as P/F for Crew Log (Europe) - Allows the pilot crewmember not manipulating the controls to log the same activity as the pilot who is manipulating the controls. This option is normally used in Europe. 
P/NF logs Inst Time if PIC qualified- If the pilot who is not manipulating the controls is a qualified PIC, this option will credit them with instrument time as well as the pilot flying.
P/NF logs Inst Time and Appr (Germany) - Permits the pilot not manipulating the controls to log the instrument and approach along with the pilot flying. 
Inst Time set to P/F Time (Canada)- Set the instrument time to the pilot flying time.
Empty Approach Type Not Counted- This option defaults to not enabled. When “Empty Approach Type Not Counted” is not enabled, if the approach type is blank in the flight log (visual), it will be counted as a non-precision approach for crew currency. When “Empty Approach Type Not Counted” is enabled, if the approach type is blank in the flight log (visual), it will not be counted as a non-precision approach for crew currency. Please note: if your company enables this setting, users must amend any applicable past Flight Logs to see the change in the crewmember log books and reports. 

Additional “Custom” Options

Passengers Use Leg Services (IBM) - Turns on the function of setting the passengers’ leg services to that of the leg. 
Calculate Trip Passenger Airfare using SIFL (GE) - Calculates the airfare for a segment or leg using the SIFL table. 
Calculate Trip Passenger Rate for Personal (Ginn) - This option will allow FOS to calculate both a PAX rate and SIFL simultaneously. 
Calculate Trip Passenger Airfare using Airline Rate- When selected, it uses the rates set on the rates tab. 
Note: Depending on how this information should appear on a report a custom report may be required. 

“Flight Log Fuel & Exp Fuel” Options 

Flight Log Fuel - Changes the label on the flight log expense to either “Discount” or “Retail” depending on which the user wants to enter in this field. 
Flight Log Fuel - Changes the label and the entry point of the amount on the fuel cost quick entry field in the flight log. 
Exp Fuel - Changes the label from “Weight” to “Density” in the flight log expense.

“Automatic Legality Checks” Section

Scheduling - The legality section allows the user the option to turn on legality checks for scheduling trips and quotes. For either of these functions the legality may be checked only if a regulation is set in the trip or quote or it will always be checked, regardless if there is a regulation set. If “Always” is selected and there is no regulation set, the user will receive a warning stating there is no CFR set in the trip or quote. 
Always Check Crew Legality – This option allows the system manager to force the legality checks whether or not the user has selected the Legality Check option in their “Scheduling Defaults.” 
Airport EASA OPS Category
– Turns on the warning when scheduling a leg to check the EASA OPS category. 

Pop up warning when an airport is added to a trip and the record does not have a specified EASA ops category: 

Set Deadhead Leg Regulation to 91 – This option sets any leg with no passengers or legs that are marked as “Deadhead” to part 91. 
Check Legality on Flight Log Save - This option allows for the legality checks to be performed when saving out of a flight log 
Crew - Check for Recent Experience and Training/Calendar Items - Allows the user to set a specific number of days out on the schedule that they wish to receive warnings for the crewmembers training and currency. In the example above, if a crewmember had a training item or currency item due during a trip they were scheduled to fly the scheduler would receive a warning as long as the trip was within the 30 day period set. If the trip was outside of the 30 days, no warning would be generated. This limit is only for training items due during the time of the trip. If there is a need to check legality for a 30 day period that falls outside of the dates of a specific trip, there is a button in the trip and flight log window to accomplish this action. The Crew Pairing Age Check - Displays a warning if a PIC and SIC is assigned to a trip and their ages both exceed the age limit set in this field. 
Note: For this to function, the regulation set in the trip must have a reg. qual.

“Preferences” Section 

Use Ac Default Rate for Trip - Uses the default rate set in the aircraft record to set the rate in the trip. 
Do Not Set Trip Cost Center from Requester - By default, the requester’s cost center is set in the trip on the ‘Cost’ tab. This option prevents that cost center from being set. Maintenance Projection Recalc - Automatically recalculates maintenance projections when trips are changed, added. Or removed from scheduling. 
Set Leg Coded Field when Trip Field is Changed- Automatically sets the code in the leg when changed at the trip level. 

Code Fields in the Trip Notebook

Lock Trips when Completed - Automatically locks the trip when it is marked completed by the legs being verified. This option prevents trip fields from being changed because those fields would not carry over to the legs due to the fact the legs are verified. 
Do Not Copy Trip and Leg Comments - When a trip is copied on the schedule, this prevents the comment fields from being copied. 
Trip History is Add Only, Cannot Edit - This prevents users from deleting or changing any comments on the trip "History" tab that had been entered previously. 
Trip Type Required to Complete Trip - The “type” code must be set at the trip level for the trip to be marked “completed.” 
Trip Type Required to Save Trip - The “type” code must be set in the trip for the trip to be saved. This means the user must set the code when initially building the trip and before the trip may be exited. 
Leg Type Required to Verify Leg - There must be a “type” code set in the leg for the leg to be “verified.” 
Manual Crew Change (Do Not Use PIC Change)- Normally, the crew duty time for the trip runs until there is an RON or until the PIC is changed on an augmented crew. This option will not reset the duty day time automatically when there is a PIC change. Instead, the “Crew Change” box must be checked on the leg to reset the duty day time. 

Crew Change box in the Leg Notebook 

Disable Schedule Move Date Popup Menu Items - This disables the option to move a trip by date from the right-click menu. Thus, a trip may only be moved to a different aircraft in this manner.
No Status Updates on Pax Confirmation - This option disables the feature that sets the passenger status within a trip passenger record to "Confirmed" or "On Board" when the respective check boxes are marked. 
Prompt to Auto Run Flight Plan on AC Change - This option will prompt to run a preliminary flight plan for trips that have been moved by using the right click "Move Trip" options. 
Maintenance Days Until Due Counts Down - This option allows for the countdown of an MEL item on the schedule board to appear in each cell rather than displaying the number of days left before the item is due in each cell. 
Display Range Rings in Google Maps - This option allows the user to turn the range ring display on or off when viewing trip legs in Google Maps. 
Position Duty Warnings - This option will display a pop-up warning when a positioning duty (POSD) activity conflicts with the required rest prior to a trip. 
Assign Crew Default Each Leg- When assigning crew with the pre-defined position selection, crew assignments will default to each leg, as opposed to all legs.
Add Pax Default Each Leg- When assigning passengers, the assignments will default to each leg, as opposed to all legs. 

“Flight Logs” Section

Verify Flight Log with Password - This option will require users to enter a username and password when verifying a flight log. 
Fuel Expense defaults to Departure - This will default the fuel expense section within a flight to the departure airport. 
Full Thrust Takeoffs - will display “Full Thrust Takeoff" (FFTO) rather than "Reduced Thrust Takeoff" (RTTO) within the flight log. 
Aircraft Log Fuel Purchase Units - This option will set the default units for a fuel expense within the Flight log. 
Minimum Delay to Require Delay Comments (and FOS Mobile Delay Code) - The user may also set a time for a delay code to be required in FOS Mobile or a comment entered in the delay field of the flight log. 
Flight Log Tax/Push - Setting the radio button on the “Flight Log Tax/Push” section changes the label of this field in the flight log. 
Validation Report (Mobile Data) - This option will show the validation screen only if the flight log data was submitted from FOS Mobile. 
Validation Report (On Save) - This option will show the validation screen when a user saves flight log data. 
Validation Report (Never) - This option will never show the validation screen. Leg Time Warnings (Crew Brief) - A message will be sent to the crew member at the interval specified prior to the departure once the briefing has been sent and the crew member has not responded. 
Leg Time Warnings (Departure) – A warning message will be sent when the interval set has been reached that is past the scheduled departure time. 
Leg Time Warnings (Arrival)- A warning message will be sent when the interval set has been reached that is past the scheduled arrival time. 

“Add Trip/Leg Requester as Passenger” Section

Add Trip/Leg Requester as Passenger- This section gives the user the option of automatically adding the requester as a passenger on requested trips, on all scheduled and requested trips and legs if they are the trip requester, or the leg and trip requester may be added automatically as a passenger. 

“Defaults” Section 

Default Leg Type - Users may automatically select a leg type as the default. If selected, the leg type will not change even if the trip type is set to a different type. 
Transient Pax Priority- You may default a transient passenger to a specific priority level on every trip/leg. 

“Crew Standby Activity Type” Section 

Crew Standby Activity Type- This option allows the user to choose whether a standby trip will create a duty activity or standby activity for the crew member assigned to the standby trip. 

“Crew Reserve Activity Type” Section 

Crew Reserve Activity Type- This option allows the user to choose whether a reserve trip will create a duty activity or standby activity for the crew member assigned to the reserve trip. 

“Leg” Section

Leg- This option allows the user to set the label to Flight Code or Operational Ctrl on a drop down menu in the leg allowing the user to input a flight code or set the entity that has operational control over the leg.

"Flight Following" Section 

Arrival Times Default to Estimated - This option will default the arrival time of a trip that has been flight followed to the estimated. 
Do Not Auto Set Dep/Arr - By default FOS will automatically select the "Departed" and "Arrived" check boxes within the Flight Following window for a leg. If this option is turned on the user will have to manually have to check these boxes. Additionally, a warning window will appear asking the user to verify the times before saving the record. 

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