The OpMsg tab is utilized for entering messages that pertain to arrivals and departures at a specific airport. The messages can be added to a specific airport, airports in the same ICAO Code, or applied to the country/state.
Examples of messages include: limited parking, visas required, or other operational messages that are helpful to your company.
How to Setup an Operational Message
1. To enter in a new Operational message, click on the + button (certain user permissions are required for this).
2. Enter in the appropriate From Date and To Date. The effective dates are important and must both be populated for the Trip and Itinerary Messages to display correctly. If the From and To Date are not populated the message will not display.
3. In the Description field, populate a brief description message.
4. Using the Doc File Name and Doc Exp Date fields, a document can be attached and, if applicable, a document expiration date entered.
5. If the Operational Message only pertains to a certain tail number, or aircraft type, users may select such for the Aircraft / Type ID field. Additionally, if the message pertains to only a certain Aircraft Size, this may be also be selected.
6. The Group field may be used for reporting purposes.
7. For the Operational Message to display in FOS Mobile, the FOS Mobile checkbox must be selected.
8. Scheduled Only If this box is checked the Operational Message will only apply to trips with an itinerary. If the box is not checked then it will apply to all trips including trips with no itineraries.
9. To enter more information about the Operational Message, populate the Comments box with additional text.
10. There are two options available for notification of the Operational Message. Trip Warning Message will display a notification upon exit of the trip. Itinerary Warning Message will display the notification upon scheduling of the leg to the airport. Users may select both options.
11. Users may select Display Comment to display the entire comment when using the warning messages above. If this box is not checked, it will only display the description.
To enter an operational message that applies to an airport with the same beginning ICAO code, the Operational Message must be entered in the ICAO Code Operational Messages section.
(Example below is an Operational Message for ICAO Code "ZB" and would be applicable to any airport recording beginning with ZB...i.e. ZBAA, ZBSJ, ZGBH...)
To enter an operational message that applies to a Country & State, the Operational Message must be entered in the Country & State Operational Messages section.
On the operations board, if there is an Ops Msg for an airport, the letter (m) will displays next to the airport identifier.
(Example of Operations board displaying the Ops Message symbol for airport KDCA)