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SIFL & Trip Passenger Information
The amount of imputed income the employee will receive is determined by the options selected within the trip passenger data. Navigating the Trip Passenger Data: Trip Passenger Data can be found within a trip, by selecting the Pax/Cargo tab, and ...
Adding a Transient Crewmember or Passenger to a Trip
If a crewmember or passenger does not exist in the database FOS allows you to add either as a transient crewmember or passenger. 1. Open the passenger tab within a trip and select "New". 2. When the Trip Passenger window opens select the "Transient ...
Pax / Cargo Tab
Pax / Cargo Tab Passenger Search - Initials - Search Passenger records by initials. The initials are more like a passenger ID, than the standard 3 letter initials. In most cases, the initials will be first initial + first 3 letters of last name. If ...
Auto Populate Crew as Pax
Users are able to create a passenger record for a crewmember in FOS quickly, as long as the personnel record is already created. To create a passenger record from a personnel record first open the passenger database and click the red "+" button to ...
Pax Rates
Once set up, passenger rates automate the calculation of chargebacks on a per-passenger basis. The tab allows you to show rates marked as “Past Rates” and also access the SIFL table since you may need to base certain rates off of the SIFL table ...