Report Name: crewlogsum.rpt
Portrait or
Landscape: Landscape
Report Group: Flight
Includes crew
legs in the date range where the leg is verified / amended
Excludes cancelled
Flight Log Notebook, A/C Log tab, Aircraft Hrs; NM = Nautical Miles;
SIC = (PF +
PNF) - PIC; PF = Pilot Flying Flight Time; PNF = Pilot-Not-Flying Flight Time;
TBT = Pilot
Flying + Pilot Not Flying Times; ACM =
ACM Flight Time;
PA = Precision
Approach; NPA = Non-precision Approach; PMA = Pilot Monitored Approach;
CAT 1, 2, 3 =
Category 1, 2, 3 Approach;
AIT = Actual
Instrument Time; SIT = Simulated
Instrument Time; NITE = Night Flight
DT = Day
Takeoff; NT = Night Takeoff; DL = Day Landing; NL = Night Landing;
HOLD = Holding;
TRCK = Tracking;
Max 8 ac types
in summary per crew;

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