PPS Integration

PPS Integration

The PPS Flight Planning integration with FOS exports the trip information from FOS to PPS. However, the flight plan from PPS does not import back into FOS. The flight plan from PPS can be added as a document within the trip for record-keeping purposes.

To setup the interface, in Company Data, on the Interfaces --> Trip Support / Flight Planning tab, enter in the credentials for PPS. Reach out to PPS and they will give you a special Username/Password to enable this feature and also set this function on their end. Check the box next to the username field.

For the interface to transmit the information to PPS, in Company Data, on the Interfaces --> Settings tab, enter a time into the Flight Plan Timer Interval.

The interface may also be run manually in the Interface Manager by selecting the Flight Plan Tab and then the "Update Flight Plan" button.

Then open PPS and go to "Refresh Flight List" and you can see the Trips loading from FOS.
If it was successful you can see the Interface Manager updating the information.

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