The “Quotes & Req” Tab permits the user to make certain default settings for their quotes and schedule.
(Main View of Quotes & Req tab)
“Trip Approval Code for Schedule Quotes” Section
The trip approval code fields are useful for scheduling quotes in various stages of customer confirmation and owner or management approval process. Once the quote is scheduled, the approval code in the trip will communicate to the rest of the company the status of the trip.
The status code that is set in the trip when the quote is scheduled is dependent upon the status boxes checked in the quote.
The example below displays the results if checking or not checking either the Confirmed, Approved or Scheduled boxes.
Sample trip approval code status when the quote has not been approved or confirmed:
Sample trip approval code status when the quote has only been confirmed:
Sample trip approval code status when the quote has only been approved and confirmed:
Sample trip approval code status when the quote has been approved:
Note: If the Approval Code in the trip is set to either “NA” or “TENT,” that trip will continue to be sent as available to Avinode.
Check Box Options Section
Do Not Set Quote Reg from Aircraft - The regulation used in the quote will not be set from the regulation field in the aircraft. If this is left unchecked and a regulation is listed in a specific aircraft the quote will reflect the regulation in the aircraft record.
Set Quote Company from Aircraft - This option will set the Quote Company from the Company listed in the selected aircraft record.
Invoiced Quote requires Manual Recalc- When a quote is opened that has been marked “Invoiced,” no recalculations will be performed on the quote automatically by the system. The “Recalc Quote” button must be selected for any recalculations to take place.
Calc Minimum Delta when Short Leg Count is Fixed- This allows the quote to calculate a trip or leg minimum even if the number of short legs has been adjusted manually by the user.
Default New Pax/Company to Problem & No Credit - Whenever a new passenger or company is created, the “Problem” and “No Credit” boxes will be checked automatically. These can be found on the Pax and Account tabs within a passenger profile.
Require Quote Contact, Phone, E-Mail, Note- This requires that a contact name, phone number and e-mail address fields are filled out prior to the quote being saved.
Credit Check when Scheduling Quote - Whenever a quote is scheduled, it will check the amount of the quote against the customer’s credit limit entered in the client record on the “Account” tab.
Reset Invoiced Quote if Expenses Not Invoiced - If the quote has been invoiced, adding an expense will cause the invoice box to uncheck in the quote. This will remind the user that the quote will need to be invoiced again.
Quote and Trip Numbers Read-only - The quote and trip numbers generated within FOS may not be edited, this is a read view only.
Quote Lead Source Required
- A “Lead Source” is required in the quote.
Note: If a Source is not selected in the quote upon exiting the Source code window will open prompting the user to select the appropriate source.
Requester Lead Source Required: A “Lead Source” is required in the requester’s client record.
Where in the client record the "Lead Source" can be found:
Requester Required for Quotes and Trips: This option requires you to pick a client for a trip or quote marked as a requester in the client record.
“Scheduled Quotes” Section
Set Trip Number to Quote Number - The trip number for scheduled quotes will default to the quote number.
Set Invoice Number to Trip Number - The invoice number within a quote will match the trip number.
Do Not Set Trip Comment to Quote Comment- When scheduling a quote, users have the option to prevent the comment field within the quote from being carried over to the trip.
Allow Multiple Aircraft - Allows the user to set a different aircraft on each leg of the quote. However, the quote will only be calculated by the rate and aircraft set in the quote. Markup for Additional Costs and Flight Log Expenses - Adds a markup to all additional costs in the quote and expenses entered in the flight log. That markup will then be included in the “Bill Amount” of the expense.
Default FM Trip Quote Cost Status- If receiving international services quotes from Collins Aerospace this option will set the additional cost status in the quote when quotes are imported.
“Peak Days for Contracts” Section
Peak days for Contracts - Allows the user to denote certain days on the schedule such as heavy flying days.
Company Days- Allows the user to denote certain days on the schedule such as holidays, company down time, or company meeting.
Note: Peak days will show the date highlighted in pink on the trip schedule and company days 1 will show the date highlighted in green and company days 2 will show the date highlighted in blue on the schedule:
“Average Passenger Weights and Volumes” Section
Average Passenger Weights- Users with an “Average Weight” program, may fill in the passenger weight and volume fields. FOS will calculate these in the trip passenger record using the summer weights.
“Open Quote from Trip” Section
Ask - When opening a quote from within a trip, this option will ask you if you wish to save the trip.
Open- Opens the quote and closes the trip without saving any changes in the trip.
Save Trip- Opens the quote and automatically saves the trip before closing.
“Cancellation Policy” Section
Cancellation Policy- This is an informational field and it may be used for information on certain reports if necessary.
“Trip Request Approval” Section
Trip Request Approval - This section is where you are able to set the approval process for the Trip Request Module in FOS. This will allow the Trip Request to be sent through multiple departments for Approval. The “Approver” for each step receives the e-mail request with each approval code that is set next to their level in the approval process. Once a specific “Approver” takes the request and approves it, the system sets the approval code to the next highest level and forwards the request to the next person
in the “Approver” chain. Each level may also have the ability to decline the trip. The code to decline may be set the same for each “Approver” or you may use a different decline code for each type of
user in the approval process. Example: If you are the Authorizer, you will receive the request via e mail with the REQ code, log into FOS and approve or decline the trip request. If the trip request is approved, the system will send an e-mail to “Dispatch” with the code APPR as well as show up in the Trip Request list with that code.