Rates Tab

Rates Tab

The “Rates” Tab permits the user to set rates for use with the passenger rates, Per Diem for crew, taxes for quoting, and setting up Cost Center formats. 

(Main View of Rates tab) 

“Airline Rates” Section 
This section permits the user to charge a rate for passengers or may be used in conjunction with a passenger rate set up in the aircraft data. You may set a gate charge and the dollar amounts with their intervals. To use this function, you must also check the box on the Operation Tab to Calculate Trip Passenger Airfare using Airline Rate. 

Where to find the “Calculate Trip Passenger Airfare using Airline Rate” on the Operations Tab:

Sample Pax Rate in an aircraft record set to take advantage of the calculated airfare:

“Per Diem Rates” Section 
The Per Diem Rates section permits the user to set per diem rates for crewmembers so that may be calculated on a report. The values that are set can either be daily or hourly rates. The report itself will make the proper calculation for the rate. 

“Tax Rates” Section
“Tax Rates” are used in the calculation of quotes. You may use your own descriptions for the rates based on the needs of your operation. The rates fields are expressed in percentages. 

Whichever tax rate field you choose on a quote, it will calculate a rate based on the sub-total. This calculation will also include additional costs that are marked as taxable. 
Local Desc, State Desc, Fed Desc - These fields can be given custom labels to appear within quotes. 

Sample of custom field names and taxes being calculated within a quote: 

Include Federal Tax in State and Local Taxable Amount
- To be selected if user wants state and local tax to include the federal tax in their respective calculations. 

“Cost Center” Section 
This section permits the user to set up cost center formatting for quick entry of the company’s cost centers. You may have up to ten different fields for your cost centers, each with a specific field length and character to separate fields. However, the maximum number of characters in the cost center, including the separators, is 48. 

Field Name, Field Length, & Separator- These fields allow users to customize how cost centers should appear in FOS. The field length restricts users from entering more characters than the specified number and the separator is used to separate the various fields. 

Sample of a completed cost center: 

Cost Center must be selected from list - Select to prohibit users from using cost centers other than those in the list.

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