Issue - Cancelled trips will not go away from the Aircraft Schedule board.
Background - FOS added a feature several years ago that provides users/companies to still see cancelled trips until all services have been cancelled and checklist items re-evaluated. The reason for this was to prevent trips from being cancelled before having a chance to cancel hotels, cars, and other services; thus being charged no-show fees for not cancelling. As a result, the code was added to check the status of each service item within the legs of a trip, and all the checklist items (both trip and leg) before having it disappear from the Aircraft Schedule (even if you have unchecked 'Cancelled' in the Display settings). As an alternative, FOS provides a check box in the Scheduling Defaults that allows you to remove the cancelled trips no matter what (see below).
Solutions - If a user is having trouble getting cancelled trips to go away, follow these steps:
1) Make sure that 'Cancelled' is not selected in the Display menu.
2) Make sure there are no 'Confirmed' services in each leg of the trip. Ideally, check 'Cancelled' for all services that were once 'Confirmed'.
3) Complete any checklist items that have been reset by either marking complete, or N/A. Be sure to check both leg and trip checklists.
4) For users/companies that don't cancel the trip until all services have been reviewed, or for those that just want the trip to go away once cancelled no matter what, then check the option mentioned above in the SCHEDULING DEFAULTS to 'Hide All Cancelled Trips'. NOTE: The '*' reminds you that you will have to reload data in order for the changes to take effect.