Report Minimized

Report Minimized

If you notice that your report is not printing to the window or seems to be minimized on the task bar follow the steps below to resolve the issue. 

For PC Users:
Hover over the report icon on the task bar and then right click on the report preview thumbnail and select maximize. This will display the print preview screen for you to view, print, etc. 

FOS Mac Users:
If users are having issues on a Mac with reports running minimized a registry fix will need to be applied by the Hosting Provider/IT Department. If hosted, FOS Technical Support can arrange for this to be completed. If self-hosted, please provide the below to your IT contact.

The Hosting Provider or IT Department can make a change to the seamless flags registry key. Users need to re login to get the change.
Here are the details of what was added.

Value: 0x4
Explanation: Determines if the seamless engine will load its active accessibility hook in a seamless session.
By default the seamless engine uses a technique called event hooking to monitor any changes made to an application’s windows on the server and sends these changes to the ICA Client. Wfshell.exe loads the DLL, sehook20.dll. Without this Registry Value set, or setting this value to 0x0 specifies that active accessibility is enabled.

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