Report Setup Module Overview

Report Setup Module Overview

What is Report Setup?
  1. The reporting function allows you to gather and format data in a beneficial manner for your company.
  2. Reports may be displayed in any number of ways and can display data in a list as well as in a graphical representation.
  3. Reports are also capable of pulling image files at runtime and displaying them.
Crystal Reports
  1. Crystal reports may be exported in most standard formats available to Windows. The export function may be an e-mail, file, or printed.
  2. All reports are currently designed in Crystal 2008 for FOS 3.10 and higher and in Crystal 8.5 for versions below 3.10.
  3. It is imperative that the correct Crystal Runtime files are installed for the version of report you are running. FOS does not support the use of any other versions of Crystal at this time.
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