is a third party vendor that a customer may choose to work with. Demonstrations, pricing, and details will be handled directly by the vendor. uses data from the Pervasive database via a connection called a Hybrid Connection Manager (HCM).
Process for installation:
The process is completed by App Support, this is just so Tech Support knows what all will be taking place as initial communication will come to Support.
- Once communicating with he customer, the vendor will email FOS Support requesting information about the customers FOS instance.
- Ensure the customer is copied in for approval to install service and add the POC to the communication if not already done so by vendor
- The Server Name (typically HTNT...something)
- The FOS Database name (typically FOS or FOSDATA)
- The encryption key (only required if encryption is to be enabled on the database)
- will then send a .pdf directional sheet to setup the connection on the customers server.
- The HCM needs to be installed in a location which has network access to the customers server
- The vendor will provide this
- Once the process is complete, the connection on the server will show up as "connected"
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