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Desc Tab
This tab contains general information for the aircraft as well as information used for filtering in the scheduling portion of FOS and interface information. Fields used for Informational Purposes The following fields are for informational purposes ...
The section was originally created to allow information on squawks, MEL’s, part replacement, etc. The data is entered and then reported to the FAA for operator bound by the requirements of the Continuing Analysis and Surveillance System. This may ...
Status Tab
The Status Tab allows users to review the number of successful transmissions that have occurred for each activated interface within FOS since the interface manager was last started. Footer Options: Update Now- This option will update all interfaces ...
Airport Tab
The “Airport” Tab contains options specific to using airports in the Operations module. Airport ID ID - This option will default airport identifiers to appear as the airport ID, specified in the airport record, on the schedule board. Airport ID field ...
Web Tab
The “Web” Tab contains options and fields for e-mail and proxy server settings, FOS Mobile settings, trip sheet and briefing options. (Main view of the Web Tab) “SMTP E-Mail and SSL” Section SMTP -Mail - Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) - ...