Setting up Automated Reports (via Report Setup Module)
Report Setup Module
To begin an automated report the report must be set up correctly in the “Report Setup” module. For instance, if you have chosen a report to be e-mailed from automated reporting, you must copy the
report setup for the automated instance therefore allowing the ability to run the report manually without it being e-mailed.
In the example below, the report setup has been copied and the name and description changed to reflect that this will now be an automated report. An e-mail address has been entered so that the report will be-mailed at a regular interval.
Note: When setting up a report for automated reporting using a specific time interval, do not select the “Ask Me When I Print the Report” box or the report will not send until the “Print” button is selected manually.
Company Data Module
Under the “Reports” tab within the Company Data module, it is best to select the option “Auto Print use SMTP E-mail” if your normal E-Mail option is MAPI or Lotus Notes. Lotus Notes does not send e-mails generated by another program automatically.
Outlook will prompt several questions when sending e-mails from another program which defeats the automated reports feature.
Ensure the proper SMTP address has been input on the “Web” tab.
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