Setting up the Flight Risk Interface

Setting up the Flight Risk Interface

To set up the Flight Risk interface, credentials must be obtained from Polaris Aero. This can be done by reaching out to Polaris Aero directly at
Note: An ARINCDirect subscription is required in order to use this interface.

1. Once the credentials are obtained they must be entered on the Interfaces - Applications tab within company data.
The following options may be selected when setting up the interface.
  1. Flight Risk - This allows users to run flight risk assessments within FOS trips and FOS Mobile.
  2. FOS Trip Replication to Flight Risk - This option enables FOS to automatically sent trips to the Flight Risk interface.
  3. Use Credentials from Trip/Quote Company - This option allows FOS to use the credentials for the company assigned to the Trip/Quote when launching Flight Risk, rather than the company assigned to the FOS User profile.
  4. Crew Duty Replication to Flight Risk - This option will allow users to send additional crew duty information that can be used for duty / fatigue analysis within Flight Risk. For more information about the new functionality, please contact

2. Verify that ARINCDirect credentials are listed on the Collins Aerospace tab within Company data. This will ensure the correct information is sent through the interface and allow you to run a risk assessment from within the leg of a trip.
Note: If these credentials were not previously entered the ARINCDirect portion of the interface manager will need to be updated prior to update the Flight Risk interface portion of the interface manager.

3. Verify the Trip Request Aircraft checkbox with each aircraft record is not marked. The aircraft data will not be sent to Flight Risk with this checkbox marked.

4. Select the utilities drop down from the FOS main menu and open the interface manager. When the interface manager opens, select the Flight Risk tab, and select Update Flight Risk.

5. When the update completes reach back out to the representative that provided the credentials and advise them that the initial replication has been completed.

This is required as the Polaris team will need to ensure there are no duplicate user accounts prior to using the integration within FOS. If the duplicates are not removed before the integration it is possible information may be lost when they are removed at a later time. 

Once any duplicate users have been removed the integration may be used within FOS and FOS Mobile.

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