The FlightSafety interface allows FOS to retrieve training completion dates as crewmembers complete various training events. If set up properly, users should only have to certify training items as the training completion date will already be populated.
Completed eLearning courses will come through the FOS interface approx. 1 week after completion.
1. To begin the setup process, FlightSafety will need to provide interface credentials. The team responsible for this can be contacted at the following email address:
MFSSupport@FlightSafety.com 2. Open the company record and select the Reports tab. In the "Custom Field Labels" section the Crew SSO field can be relabeled FlightSafety ID. This is not a requirement, however it is helpful as each crewmember's FlightSafety ID will need to be listed here.
3. Within each crewmember record populate their individual FlightSafety IDs. This information can be found on myFlightSafety.
4. Within the company record select the Interfaces tab and then the Applications tab and enter the credentials provided by Flight Safety and select the check box next to Account.
Note: If you are subscribed to multiple account access, FlightSafety will need the account numbers of the primary and secondary accounts to create a link between the accounts for the interface.
5. Before you can finsish the setup of the interface, you will need to download the FlightSafety course list. This can be accessed from within a training item by selecting the lookup button the the right of the course code field.
If the list is already populated, the courses have already been downloaded. If there is nothing populated in the course list select "Download FlightSafety Course List".
6. Within the training item there are a number of options that may be selected prior to selecting the FlightSafety course.
- Course - This option will be used to link specific FlightSafety training courses with the training item. For example, we could select the "GIV, Recurrent Pilot" course to pull in the completion date for our GIV recurrent training item. Often times, FlightSafety will be able to provide the exact course code numbers for the training items your crewmembers are completing which makes the course selection process much easier.
- Qualification - This option allows you to select from a number of qualifications rather than an individual course. This option is generally used to in conjunction with the "Required in Type" check box that allows you to link it to a specific aircraft type.
7. Once all of the course codes have been entered in each training item the interface manager may be run to pull in past completion dates. You may choose to resend the completion dates from the last 6 months or from a specific date. If these options are not selected manually, the interface manager will automatically (if set to run on a timer) pull the completion dates as they occur in the future.
Note: FlightSafety must "flag" these items in order for FOS to be able to retrieve training item completion dates.