The amount of imputed income the employee will receive is determined by the options selected within the trip passenger data.
Navigating the Trip Passenger Data:
Trip Passenger Data can be found within a trip, by selecting the Pax/Cargo tab, and double clicking on a passenger name on the particular trip (if passenger is not loaded, you must select passenger). Options will then be listed under the “Personal Use / SIFL” section, specific to the particular trip. (see screen shots below for navigation):
Personal Use/SIFL Section:
If the entire trip is personal for the employee, you may add them to the trip and select the “Personal SIFL Rate” box. You may also select under “Status” using the dropdown selection list: PERS, which will also select the “Personal SIFL Rate” box.
Meet 50% Rule - If 50% of the seats are occupied for business, the amount calculated for SIFL will change.
Emp/Spouse/Dep – If an Employee, Spouse or dependent will need to check this box.
Control Employee – Generally Top People in the Company. Guests of a control employee would also have this box checked.
Security – If for personal reasons there is some type of risk for them to fly commercially they are billed at a different rate than a Control Employee. If a spouse or dependent is included and/or they are traveling with the employee with the “Bona Fide Business-Oriented Security Concerns” they would also have this box checked.
Direct Leg- This will charge as a segment. A segment begins at one airport and ends at the final airport to which the passenger is flying. SIFL is calculated based on the great circle distance between these two airports without regard to any stops made in between.
Each Leg- This calculation is met by the amount of each leg. If the passenger desires to stop at each point for reasons of their own, select the “Each Leg” option for a new SIFL calculation. After doing so, the SIFL calculation will increase
Incremental- The Incremental option is used if the employee is flying on business to a specific location but takes a detour for personal reasons.
Note: In each of the cases mentioned, the spouse and his sibling will always be marked personal as their flying was never for business purposes.
· For the guests of an employee who is a spouse or dependent the amount will drop to zero whether the employee is a Control Employee or not.
· For the Control Employee who has a guest that is not a spouse or dependent, that guest’s rate is calculated at the lower non-control rate.