- AC Size – Use available selection list. May be used to filter on the schedule and also used as one method of determining which airport cost is used in quoting.
- Regulation – Used when a particular aircraft type requires a regulation. Please note: This should only be used by flight test divisions when necessary. Do not use this for commercial or private operations.
- Color – By selecting a color for this type of aircraft, the schedule board will in turn display this aircraft type in the same color.
- Fuel Type, Stage, RFF/Fire Category, and Approach Category – These selections are defined under the airports. The selections will display a warning when building a trip into that airport if the condition has not been met.

- Military – designates this as a military aircraft
- Simulator – designates this type as a simulator
- Off Airport Landings – designates that this aircraft may make landings at other locations not listed in the airport database. This option activates the “Site” field in the trip leg notebook as does the “ROTO” category.

- Number of Engines - determine the number of entry fields in the aircraft log screen.
- Number of Engine Accessories - determine the number of entry fields in the aircraft log screen. Also used for propellers.
- SIC - The SIC field shows whether or not an SIC is required for that aircraft type. If there is a count of one or greater in this field, the flight log will require that an SIC be listed in order to verified.
- In addition, the FE and FA fields are not only informational but they increase the number of default crewmembers when quoting. “Additional Crew Seats” is for informational purposes only.

- Max Pax – Displays a warning when scheduling and quoting when this number has been exceeded.
- Min Pax – This field is informational.
- Inc Lav - Option specifies that the max passenger count includes the belted lav.
These fields determine what positions are available for the “quick select” option in the trip notebook. Selecting a different position in any of the drop down positions makes that field available for selection of crewmembers qualified in that position. If a field is left blank, the default position will be used.
Crew “Quick Select” fields in the trip notebook:
These setting interact with the runway weight settings in the airport data. A warning will occur in the trip when the maximum gross weight of the aircraft type for the number of wheels per axle has exceeded the weight limitation of the airport.
Weight settings in the airport data:
These settings determine what type of engines the aircraft has. When set to jet, turbo prop, or supersonic, any crew logs will add time to “Turbine” aircraft for the crewmember.
If selected, these settings determine which section of the flight log will be available for entering information.
Fuel, Tach, Hobbs, and Cargo fields in the flight log screen: