Training Module: AC Qual Tab Set Up

Training Module: AC Qual Tab Set Up

The “AC QUAL” tab is divided into two sections, “Aircraft Type Qualifications” and “Member of Training Groups”. 

The list of aircraft to which the individual is assigned, his position, regulation qualification, special qualifications, etc. will be displayed here. All of the information may be accessed for editing by double-clicking the line, right-clicking and choosing “Edit” or clicking the red "+” symbol on the navigation bar.

The dates are auto-filled by completing the “Crew Training Item” if the appropriate field has been selected in the ‘Crew Currency’ field of the “Training Item”. 

The lower section contains a list of all of the training groups to which the individual belongs. There are also two fields to select a training position and regulation qualification. These fields apply to the items in the standard training groups and will filter the individual for a specific item in a standard group based on the criteria of the two selections. 

Tip: If an individual has been added to a standard training group but does not inherit a specific item, check that the position and regulation qualification fields have been set in the “Member of Training Groups” section of the “AC Qual” tab.

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