Training Module: Crew Tab Set Up
The “Crew” tab in the Personnel Record will display particular information related to the crewmembers qualifications and training items. “Training Items” that are set up with a specific selection in the ‘Crew Currency’ field will set a date in the corresponding field on this tab or in the aircraft qualification page. Normally, the dates that are set here come from items that are in the Standard training groups, the exception being the ‘142 Training Date’.
The ten rows with no labels correspond to the ‘Crew Currency’ fields Check 1-10. The labels may be set, if desirable, in the User Company Data on the “Reports” tab in the area ‘Crewmember Checks’.
The fields for the dates on the “Crew” tab are related to the original training module in FOS and have no functionality except for supplying certain dates to ARGUS and Wyvern.
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