Training Module: Crew Training Items

Training Module: Crew Training Items

As discussed previously, whenever an item is selected under “Training Items” all personnel to which that item applies will show under the “Crew Training Items” section with the last date accomplished, the next date the training is due and the number of days remaining for that item. The column may be sorted by the Employee ID or the due date. 

The crew training item screen shows the ‘Description’ and ‘Group’ to which the item belongs. Clicking on either of these will take you to the training item or the group respectively. Setting a ‘Completed Date’ will automatically calculate a ‘Next Due Date’ based on the criteria of the training item. The base month will be set automatically the first time the item is completed. If the base month is to be changed, click ‘Reset Base’ and select the proper month. Saving the item will re-calculate the proper ‘Next Due Date’. If this is an item with a base day, that may be reset in the same manner. Checking the ‘Fix’ box allows the user to set a fixed due date for the item without the system changing it back to the date that is automatically calculated.

When you are required to annotate in which aircraft type the training was accomplished for items that belong to a “Standard” or “Type Rating” group, you may select the aircraft type from the lookup button next to that field. This is especially useful for instrument checks and aircraft models that share a specific type rating. 
The ‘Source’ field may be set to whichever facility accomplished the training. 
The ‘Level Last Completed’ fields are informational and will be set by the ‘Completed Date’ only if blank. Using the radio button to mark the level determines the level of training completed for the crewmember. This precludes the need for setting up multiple items for various levels of training. 
Hours required to complete each level are set up in the training item as discussed on page 13 of this document.

The ‘Proficiency’ fields will be auto-filled if the item has been set to require a certain amount of time or events in a given period. 
The ‘Reference’, ‘Note’, and ‘Required Time’ fields are set by the training item. When completing the item, you may enter the amount of time it took to complete the training event and/or the individual performing the training. 
Whether or not the training was completed in a satisfactory manner may be recorded including a grade for the training event. 

The remaining fields in gray are auto-filled by signing off and verifying the item and by the training item itself. 
The last field in gray is the e-mail alert timestamp. Whenever the e-mail alert is sent to the crewmember, or to a user that has elected to receive alerts on training items, the date and time will be auto-filled. If the e-mail alert needs to be sent again, the reset button may be clicked.
At the bottom of the training item is an area with four tabs. The first is the “Comments” where any general comment about the item may be made. 

If you have a printed copy of the item, you may scan the document as an image file and attach it to the crew training item by adding it here and browsing to the location where the scanned document has been saved. From this area you may e-mail or print the document 
The “Log” tab is used mainly for military and flight test operations. For items that require a specific amount of proficiency in a past semi-fiscal period, you may click on the ‘Proficiency Corrective Action Complete’ button to let the program know that the past proficiency has been accomplished. Clicking on the “Recalculate Proficiency” button will refresh the item if any logs have been changed or deleted. 

The “Audit Trail” will show any action that has been accomplished for the item along with the user and date and time.

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