Training Module: Training Items

Training Module: Training Items

Training items are listed under the group to which they correspond. Any item not related to a specific aircraft type would be in a standard group. These may include things such as Medicals, Instrument Checks, Hazmat, etc. You may have one standard group for all personnel or have various standard groups based on general categories. For example, in the illustration below there are two standard groups. One for FAA required training and one for training required by a specific company. The company training group would contain items like human resources training, company standards, etc; whereas the FAA General group has the requirements for crewmembers that are not type or type rating specific but are required by the FAA. 

Any item related to a specific type, type rating, category, or class would be grouped as such and only one such group may be created. I.e., it is not possible to create two groups which both have GLF5 set as the A/C Type. 

Note: It is recommended that the groups be considered as a general category and the user not create a group for one specific item unless necessary. 

Right-clicking under “Training Items” will reveal a menu that allows you to create a new training item, copy an existing one, delete, edit, create a sub-item under an existing item, cut, paste as a sub-item, paste as a top-level item, run reports, or access the Help files. Cutting and pasting items between groups will carry the completed dates for the individuals between the groups. 

Note: To access the reports for a specific item, the “Training Report” box must be checked in the report setup.

Whenever a specific item is selected, the crewmembers from the Members column will display under the Crew Training Items section if that particular item applies to them based on their Position or Reg Qual. 

Opening or creating an item will reveal the following screen:

For each item, enter a description which corresponds to your training program. A reference to a specific regulation may be entered if one exists. 
A Position and Reg Qual may be entered. These are used to filter out the members in the group to which the item does not apply. For the pilot group, you may check the pilot box which will apply the item to all pilot positions. Checking this box will also apply the item to personnel that are assigned to the position that is in that field plus any pilot position of a higher value than what is in the “Position” field. You may also exclude whatever position you have selected. Leaving the fields blank will include all personnel that are in the group.

Note: There are currently only two “Reg Quals” listed in FOS by default, 135 and 121. There is no need to add a code for 91 due to the fact that there is no specific qualification required for part 91 operations. If a 91 qualification code has been created, it is recommended that it be removed from the training items, crew qualifications, and regulations. The code should then be set as inactive. 

Next, set the Month Interval field to the required time between training events. You may choose an ‘Interval Type’ to define the value set. 
The grace period check box will apply a one month grace period before and after the due date of the item. If a custom grace period is required, that may be set in the ‘Custom Grace Period’ area. 
‘Order’, if set with a numeric value, will provide the user with a specific sorting order in the list if that is the view chosen by the individual.

Use the Note field to set a note that you may wish to display in the list of training items or print on a report. 
Crew Currency corresponds to the box on the crewmembers “Crew” tab or in their aircraft qualification record. Whatever is chosen for this field will set the crewmembers training date in either of those locations. It is mandatory that this be set when using the ARGUS/Wyvern interface. 
Crew Logbook’ will complete the crew logbook field if this is an item that may require a certain number of events or a certain amount of time within a given period. 
The Report Name field is used when needing a way to group information on a Crystal Report with a specific training item. This field does not need to be used unless a report is being designed which requires its use. 
Under the Crew Legality section, designations are made as to whether the item is flight restrictive or if the item is of a nature where the individual may not be assigned to a trip. This may be accomplished by checking the Flight Restrictive box, in which case a warning will appear any time legality is checked if the item is overdue for a crewmember. By adding a check to the Not Qualified box you will be unable to save any trip for a crewmember assigned which has this item due. You may also make either of these options apply only to international legs, a specific airport or ICAO identifier, an airport with short runways, or a special qualification. Setting a regulation(s) in the field(s) will only apply those actions to a leg with one of the regulations listed included or excluded depending on how the radio button is set.

The Flight Safety interface may be set up to sign off the item automatically for anyone attending a course taught at Flight Safety. You may choose either a course, or a ‘Qualification’ (in which case you will select model and mark if it is required in type or not). Selecting ‘Differences’ will allow you to select an aircraft model from which the differences course applies. Flight Safety also has a list of courses specific to customers. These are selected with the last option. 

The Instructor/Check Airman shows what position is required to perform the training and what Special Quals if any is required for that position. Setting these fields will bring up only those personnel on the crew ranking screen that are allowed to perform the training when signing off the item for an individual. 
Due to the fact that a training item may require a certain amount of time for completion of the course based on the level, you may set that required time for each level in the template, thus alleviating the need to set up multiple items for one event because the completion time may be different. The level of completion will be marked for the item when signed off in the individual record. Each training record may be linked to a document with the document expiration date set. The document may be opened or e-mailed from the training item. It will also be sent with the e-mail alert. 

Pilot Record - The item may be set as a ‘Pilot Record’ so that it may be filtered on the list of training items for an individual. 
Certification Not Required - Shows that the particular item does not require certification Do Not Show on Report - The item will not show on any crew due reports. 
Do Not Complete Sub-Items - Any sub-items will not receive a completed date when this event is signed off. 
Do Not Send E-Mail Alert - E-mail alerts will not be sent for this item. 
Do Not E-Mail Document- The document attached to this training item will not be sent with the e-mail alert if this option is checked. 

The Proficiency section allows the item to require a certain number of events or a certain amount of time in the performance of the event in a specified time period.

Note: If the “Proficiency” fields are used, you must also complete the ‘Month Interval’ field as well. 

The Crew Logbook section of the training item allows a pre-defined set of criteria for the training item to create a logbook entry when being signed off for the crewmember. To activate this section, you must check the ‘Create Logbook Entry’ box. If the Flight Safety interface is being used, any fields that are labeled with blue lettering will populate according to the records from Flight Safety. 

The logbook entry created by a training event will display under the crewmembers “Logbook” tab as being created by “Training”. If necessary, the logbook entry may be opened for further editing.

Reset Last Done & Next Due for All Crewmembers (New/Updated Document) - This button allows the user to reset the dates for this specific item. It is useful for training items that relate to a specific document or training event that may come due as necessary rather than at regular intervals.  

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