Within each trip there is the ability to communicate with various parties. This section can be found in the 'Audit Trail & Msg' tab within a trip. Users can simply type in a message, select the desired recipients on the left, and then click 'Send'. ...
When cancelling a trip for any reason and regardless of ITS Services being selected or not, the problem report window will appear and reference a request being sent to Jetex cancelling services. Although the report references this, no emails are ...
The amount of imputed income the employee will receive is determined by the options selected within the trip passenger data. Navigating the Trip Passenger Data: Trip Passenger Data can be found within a trip, by selecting the Pax/Cargo tab, and ...
Report Name: tripsum_byuser.rpt Portrait or Landscape: Portrait Report Group: Flight Log Parameter Questions: Do you want to see all the details for each trip? YES / NO Comments: Trips by FOS User who created the trip;
Error: Fail to create trip quote records: Conversion from type 'DBNull' to type "Integer' is not valid. Solution: If a quote has been assigned a regulation that has not yet been defined in the Regulations module and then saved the following message ...