Uploading Documents to FOS

Uploading Documents to FOS

To add documents to FOS, please see the following steps. 

1. Select Utilities-->Upload Documents from the FOS main menu. 

2. Two Windows Explorer boxes will appear (caution, they may be overlapping each other and you won't see the second one unless you slide the top level box over a bit). In one of these windows, point to the U:\ and then any specific folder structure you have on the drive. On the other window, point to your real desktop or drive where the documents are stored. This is a little tricky in the virtual environment, but see below! 

3. Find local disk C (should have your computer name/number by it). Then select Users. 

4. Find your name/computer number. 

5. Select Desktop or whichever location the document is saved. This is your computer's real desktop, downloads, shared drives. 

6. Find the document in the location that points to your computer that you wish to place into FOS. You can either drag and drop it from the computer location to the U: location or highlight it, right click, and select copy. Then, right click and select paste in to the server folder which will drop the file into this folder. 

7. Then, on any documents tab (within a trip, crewmember record, aircraft record, etc), click the red "+" to add a new document. Choose a Document Type in this screen, ensure it is enabled for AD & FOS Mobile if you are wanting the document to be displayed and viewed in Mobile. Then, use the lookup button (which will point you into the folder you dropped the item in), and select the appropriate document. 

Click OK to save and you are done! 

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