USDA APHIS Remittance Report

USDA APHIS Remittance Report

Report Name:          usda_aphis.rpt


Portrait or Landscape:        Portrait

Report Group:        Flight Log

Parameter Questions:

     Informational – just information – no input needed;

     What is your TIN?

     What is your passenger customer number?

     Please enter passenger fee;

     What is your aircraft clearance customer number?

     Please enter aircraft fee;


     Includes verified / amended legs in that begin or end in the date range;

     Includes only legs where the departure country <> US and the arrival country = US;

     Includes only legs with passengers on board;

     Includes only legs where the leg regulation code not blank and not 91;

     Excludes cancelled legs;

     Report will count landing for port of entry if catering is marked confirmed;




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