Using Custom Fields in the Aircraft Data

Using Custom Fields in the Aircraft Data

There are custom fields in the AIRCRAFT DATA on the Specs tab labeled Time 1 and 2 and Cycle 1 and 2 that allow you to track custom items (i.e. Steep Approaches) tied to either time or cycles. In this example below, a customer would like to track the number of Steep Approaches performed on this aircraft. This is going to be tied to and tracked per cycle. You will first want to add the code/description for what you'd like to track if it is not already in the list. For example, click 'Cycle 1' to bring up those options and edit the list accordingly:

If you create a code called "Steep Approach" (you can make the four character code whatever you wish) and set it in the Cycle 1 field, it will show up in the Flight Log on the A/C log tab.

Whenever you have a steep approach, simply check the box. This can then be reported on. The total can be viewed and/or reset from within the AIRCRAFT LOG:

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