Using the Calculator

Using the Calculator

The Calculator can be accessed from the main module.  

Main View of Calculator: 

If calculating volume or weight, select either the Jet Fuel or AvGas option based on your type of aircraft. 

For Volume or Weight, enter in any of the fields for US Gallons, Imp Gallons, Pounds, Litres or Kilograms and the appropriate conversion will display.

(Example: Entered in 100 into the US Gallons field. The Imp Gallons, Litres, Pounds, and Kilograms fields automatically calculated.) 

Entering in a density will adjust the Weight fields appropriately. Enter either: 

Lbs/Gal (pounds/gallons) or 

Kg/Ltr (kilograms/litres) 

Fill out the remaining fields for additional conversion calculations:






Nautical Miles 

Statute Miles 





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