The “Web” Tab contains options and fields for e-mail and proxy server settings, FOS Mobile settings, trip sheet and briefing options.
(Main view of the Web Tab)
“SMTP E-Mail and SSL” Section
SMTP -Mail - Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) - Includes the mail server address field, username and password field and checkbox (if it is necessary to authenticate the SMTP connection). It is important to check that the computer accessing the SMTP server be allowed permission to send mail. Please have your local IT set this function up.
Authenticate SMTP - This setting will be used for Gmail and Yahoo SMTP email clients. Bcc User's E-Mail - This option will blind copy a user's email address when emails are set using their user profile.
E-mail - This setting will force the SMTP client to send alerts from the email address set in the General Tab of Company data.
E-mail Proxy - This option will force the SMTP email to use the proxy set in the "HTTP / Socks Proxy" section.
SSL Version and SSL Mode- Allows FOS to work with a secure connection. Gmail works with the TLSv1 option AT&T works with the SSLv23 option. Secure connections may also require a port number which may be added to the server address with a colon separator.
“HTTP / SOCKS Proxy” Section
HTTP/SOCKS Proxy- Should FOS need access to e-mail or web interfaces through a proxy server, the information in this section needs to be completed.
“Shuttle Reservations” Section
Disable Cancel - This field disables cancellations within a set number of hours prior to the flight.
Allow Booking - This field will allow booking a set number of weeks prior to the flight.
Password Not Required - This option will require a password when booking a shuttle and an option.
Auto Confirm Standby Pax- Passengers marked with the status of "Standby" will be automatically confirmed.
“FOS Mobile” Section
The FOS Mobile section deals with the configuration settings for FOS Mobile and the FOS Mobile portion of the Ascend Flight Manager application for the iPad.
Host URL - This field is the address to which the Mobile application connects with the web service.
Help URL- This field provides a location for the FOS Mobile help files when installed.
Device Submit Interval - Determines how often the device will try and submit data to FOS when the submit button on the device has been selected and the submission does not happen due to the device being outside of a network coverage area.
Device Update Interval - How often the configuration will be updated on the device. Schedule Days Back and Forward - These fields set the default number of days back and forward that will be loaded into the FOS Mobile schedule.
Show ARINCDirect Contact– This option allows the user to display or not display the contact information for Collins Aerospace trip support in the contact list on the mobile device.
Expense For Verify / Lock Trips– If selected this will allow FOS mobile users to submit expenses to verified / locked trips. If left unselected , this will prevent FOS mobile users from submitting expenses to verified / locked trips.
Note: These settings are set on the device when it is first configured to connect with the server. The settings are updated automatically at the time setting of the update interval or can be manually forced on the device itself.
Flight Logs - This setting globally activates the option to submit flight logs from FOS Mobile. Crew Duty - This setting globally activates the option to submit crew duty activities from FOS Mobile.
Crew Brief - This setting globally activates the option to receive and acknowledge crew briefs within FOS Mobile.
Training - This setting globally activates the option to view training items.
Airport Images - This setting globally activates the ability to receive airport images in FOS Mobile.
Time Zone - The “Time Zone” section determines the time zone setting for the flight logs section of the mobile device.
91 Pre-Flight - When checked, allows the pre-flight page to display on the mobile device for 91 legs.
No Fly List - Turns on the validation check for the TSA No Fly List.
Weight & Balance- Turns on the validation check for the weight and balance information.
Fuel Burn Required - This option will require a mobile user to enter their fuel burn numbers before submitting a flight log.
Lock App on Close- This will lock the mobile app when closed by the user, requiring them to enter their password to re-enter upon opening.
“FOS / FOS Mobile” Section
Image Path - The setting for the image path is the default setting for the images stored in FOS. Also, this is the path the images will be stored when submitted from a FOS Mobile device.
Exe Path - The executable path that is set determines the location of the FOS.exe file. This ensures the path is always available for the shortcuts listed under ‘Utilities’ from the main menu.
FOS URL- The FOS URL may be included in the email that is sent based off of User profile Alert tab settings, Trip Requests, or other messaging from FOS.
“E-Mail Trip Sheet to Crew” Section
Trip - All Legs to All Crew - All crewmembers assigned to a trip will receive all trip details in the brief even if they are not assigned to all legs of the trip.
Each Leg to All Crew - All crewmembers get a brief for each leg
Each Leg to Leg's Crew - Whichever leg the crewmember is assigned is the brief they will receive.
Brief Removed Crew - If a crewmember is removed from a trip they will receive a brief with the updated trip details.
Future Legs Only - The crew brief will only include leg details for future legs. Text Message Summary -
Weather - This option includes current weather in the crew brief.
Airport Service Comments - Any airport service comments in a trip will be included in the brief.
Airport Costs- Any airport costs associated with a trip will be included with the brief.
Airport Operational Messages - If an airport in a trip has an Ops Message(s) it will be included in the brief.
Planner - The trip planner details will be included with the brief.
Dispatch Comments - Any dispatch comments entered on the services tab within a leg will be included in the brief.
AC Mobile Comments- Any aircraft comments will be included in the brief. E-Mail Subject - This section determines how the subject line reads in the brief and e-mailed trip sheet.
See an email example at the bottom of this article.
“Auto Brief Crew” Section
Auto Brief Crew - Text Msg - This option allows the brief to be sent to crewmembers via text message.
Auto Brief Crew -E-Mail- This option allows the brief to be sent to crewmembers via E-Mail.
Auto Brief Crew - Mobile Push - The crew brief will be sent a push notification for Users that are set to to receive Push Notifications in the ARINC FOS application.
Aircraft - If an email address exists in the aircraft record a brief will be sent to the aircraft. Ground Crew - A brief will be sent to any ground crew associated with a trip. Dep Fuel Req - The crew brief cannot be sent until a departure fuel vendor is selected in the services tab of a leg.
Arr Fuel Req - The crew brief cannot be sent until an arrival fuel vendor is selected in the services tab of a leg.
Single Acknowledge - Only one crewmember will be required to acknowledge the brief for each crewmember on a trip.
Hide Options - This option will determine if any information is excluded from the brief.
Crew Brief Email - The Crew Brief Email Field allows an e-mail address to be entered for all crew briefings that are sent from FOS. This e-mail address will be used as a Bcc address when the briefing is sent.
“FOS Mobile Codes” Section
FOS Mobile Codes
- This section allows access to all of the code lists that are used by FOS Mobile to allow the user ease of access to mark all of the codes they wish to transfer over to the mobile devices.
Brief email example -