Weight / Fuel / Crew Log Tab

Weight / Fuel / Crew Log Tab

Weight / Fuel / Crew Log Tab

The first section of this tab has fields to enter the hourly burn at various stages of flight as well as on
the ground. The user should enter average burns for these phases of flight to get an idea of what
the fuel burn will be on a specific leg. The calculation may be expressed in pounds per hour or
kilograms per hour. The percentage option may also be used to express the fuel “out” and “in” on
the flight log in a percentage of pounds rather than an actual amount in pounds.

Flight log display when the “Percentage” box is checked:

Note: Ensure the fuel burn fields have values when using the option in the aircraft rate of “Actual
Times and Fuel Burn”.

Option in aircraft rate which uses the fuel burn calculation:

- Max T/O - Determines the SIFL calculation when necessary for a trip passenger.
- Max T/O & ACN/PCN & Single Axle – All determine if the aircraft is overweight for a specific airport.
- Based on what type of axle the aircraft has (found on the Specs tab) the user will receive a warning when building a leg (if the aircraft is overweight for that specific airport).
- Weight fields are also for informational purposes.

Weights field in the Airport Data:

This section allows non-standard items to be logged for crewmembers. Setting these fields will
result in the field being labeled in the crew log section of the flight log and in the crew log itself. As
noted, the custom fields must be set in each aircraft type of a specific type rating for legality
checking purposes.

Customs field under Crew Log:

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