Passenger Itinerary [version 1]
Report Name: paxitin.rpt Portrait or Landscape: Portrait Report Group: Passenger Comments: Includes passengers where leg is not cancelled and the trip passenger status is not cancelled, deleted, standby or no show; Dates / times are LOCAL; NB = ...
Passenger Itinerary [version 2]
Report Name: paxitincc.rpt Portrait or Landscape: Landscape Report Group: Passenger Comments: Includes passengers where leg is not cancelled and the trip passenger status is not cancelled, deleted, standby or no show; Dates / times are LOCAL; ...
Passenger Information Report [version 3 - APIS]
Report Name: paxinfoapis.rpt Portrait or Landscape: Landscape Report Group: Passenger Comments: Includes selected passengers with the Inactive box not marked; Excludes expired and inactive passports / visas; Father's name - if there is no father's ...
Passenger Information Report [version 2]
Report Name: paxaddress_lst.rpt Portrait or Landscape: Landscape Report Group: Passenger Comments: Export to Excel friendly
Passenger Information Report [version 1]
Report Name: paxaddress.rpt Portrait or Landscape: Landscape Report Group: Passenger
Passenger Frequency by Leg Count
Report Name: paxfreq_leg.rpt Portrait or Landscape: Portrait Report Group: Passenger Parameter Questions: Do you want to see the summary of pax leg count or leg details? Comments: Includes trip passenger leg count where trip passenger status is not ...
Passenger Frequency by Leg Count - Summary
Report Name: paxfreqtop_arrvap.rpt Portrait or Landscape: Portrait Report Group: Passenger Comments: Includes passengers where leg is not cancelled and the trip passenger status is not cancelled, deleted, standby or no show; Passengers ordered by ...
Passenger Itinerary [version 3]
Report Name: paxitinnc.rpt Portrait or Landscape: Portrait Report Group: Passenger Comments: Includes passengers where leg is not cancelled and the trip passenger status is not cancelled, deleted, standby or no show; Dates / times LOCAL;
Passenger Itinerary [version 4]
Report Name: paxitinstat.rpt Portrait or Landscape: Landscape Report Group: Passenger Comments: Includes passengers where leg is not cancelled and the trip passenger status is not cancelled, deleted, standby or no show; * = flight hours or statute ...
Passenger No Fly List / Selectee List Match Results
Report Name: paxnoflymatch.rpt Portrait or Landscape: Portrait Report Group: Passenger Parameter Questions: Please type your name to show on the report who ran the report - thanks! Comments: Includes passengers where the Inactive box and No Fly List ...
Passenger Passport List
Report Name: paxpassport.rpt Portrait or Landscape: Landscape Report Group: Passenger Parameter Questions: Do you want to see all pax or just pax with passport information? Comments: Highlight colors - RED = passport has expired; ORANGE = expiration ...
Passenger Profile
Report Name: paxprofile.rpt Portrait or Landscape: Portrait Report Group: Passenger Comments: Very comprehensive;
Passenger Summary by Aircraft
Report Name: paxitinac_sum.rpt Portrait or Landscape: Portrait Report Group: Passenger Comments: Includes passengers where the trip passenger status is not cancelled, deleted, standby or no show; Data grouped by passenger and aircraft;
Passenger Summary by Flight Hours
Report Name: paxsum_flttop.rpt Portrait or Landscape: Portrait Report Group: Passenger Comments: Includes passengers where the trip passenger status is not cancelled, deleted, standby or no show; Passengers ordered by most flight hours first;
Passenger Summary by Trip Passenger Cost Center
Report Name: paxitin_sum.rpt Portrait or Landscape: Portrait Report Group: Passenger Comments: Includes passengers where the trip passenger status is not cancelled, deleted, standby or no show; Data summarized by passenger and trip passenger cost ...
SMS Air Safety Report
Report Name: sms_airsafety.rpt Portrait or Landscape: Portrait Report Group: Passenger Comments: Run report per single pax enabled; Although this report is set up in the Passenger Module, it can only be ran from the Service and Safety Module;
Passenger Frequency by Arrival Airport
Report Name: paxfreq_arrvap.rpt Portrait or Landscape: Portrait Report Group: Passenger Comments: Includes trip passenger leg count where trip passenger status is not deleted, cancelled, no show, standby and where the leg was not cancelled;
Passenger Contract Statement
Report Name: paxcontracts.rpt Portrait or Landscape: Portrait Report Group: Passenger Parameter Questions: Do you want to see all selected passengers with contracts or just selected passengers with contract balances <> 0?