Airport Module
Misc Tab
The miscellaneous tab is a manually entered tab. Users can select the red "+" to add any miscellaneous services to the airport record. Your miscellaneous service can then be added to the trip leg by selecting the lookup button, then changing the ...
Vendor Tab
Within each airport record, the Vendor tab can be used to add additional vendors. Click on the “+” to add a new record. When adding a new vendor, it is best to complete as much information as possible within the record, such as Name, Phone, Contact ...
Time Tab
The Time tab with an airport record can be used for checking the operating times for each airport. Most of the data on this tab will be populated by the Airport Update. The Attendance Field will usually give a brief description of the operating ...
Ops Tab
The Ops Tab can be used to enter informational data about an airport record. This information is not linked in FOS, however, the Location, Hazards, Approach and Lighting comments display in the FOS mobile application or can be displayed in a Crystal ...
OpMsg Tab
The OpMsg tab is utilized for entering messages that pertain to arrivals and departures at a specific airport. The messages can be added to a specific airport, airports in the same ICAO Code, or applied to the country/state. Examples of messages ...
Limo Tab
The Limo Tab will display the ground transportation options available at the specific airport. A list is included with each airport record, however, users may add additional vendors by clicking the red "+" and entering in the specific data. It is ...
Language Tab
The Language Tab can be used to enter in the different languages spoken at the specific airport. This information is manually entered by a user. Select the red "+" to add. You can view the various language codes by selecting the language box.
Interface Tab
The Interface tab is a quick way to connect to an external website to the third party sites listed below without leaving FOS. Select a radio button to navigate to the page. If prompted, credentials may need to be entered, or it may use stored ...
Image Tab
The Image Tab is used to view the image or airport diagram for a specific airport. This is part of the airport database. To view the image or diagram, click on the image tab and you will see a document attached. From here, users may select "Lookup" ...
Hotel Tab
The Hotel tab contains information on the hotels in the area of the specified airport. New hotels or private residences can be added manually by a user by selecting the red "+". Each hotel record has the phone number, address, web page, etc. Users ...
Fuel Tab
The Fuel tab within an airport records allows users to view the fuel prices at the airport. Fuel prices can be manually entered into the database or there is the ability to import csv files from fuel vendors and the prices will show on this tab. ...
The FBO tab will list the FBOs available at the airport. These are included in the airport update. The "approved only" and "show closed" filter checkboxes at the top of the tab will filter the list beneath. The blue font is the data that is updated ...
FAA Wx Tab
The FAA Weather tab will show FAA weather listings. In Company Data, companies have the ability to set company-wide thresholds for visibility, ceiling, wind or temps. Should an airport require more strict thresholds, the visibility, ceilings, wind ...
Customs Tab
The Customs tab of an airport record provides detailed information regarding customs availability, operating hours and contact information at the airport. Customs - if available, the box will be checked. Airport of Entry - If this specific airport is ...
Costs Tab
Users are able to create and manage costs that apply to this airport, FBO’s, ICAO or Country/State. Airport & FBO will allow you to create costs that apply to the airport and specific FBO’s. The ICAO and costs will apply to all ICAO’s i.e. K***, PH** ...
Comment Tab
The Comment tab within an airport record can be utilized to enter any additional information about an airport. This data does NOT display in the trip. However, as long as data is populated into these fields, the information will display in the mobile ...
Catering Tab
A list of catering companies available at this location will have all of their contact information listed here. The data already populated is part of the airport update. Users can add any catering companies they want to the airport database. They ...
Airport Tab
The airport data in FOS is composed of information from a third party vendor. The information is updated on a quarterly basis. Fields in blue throughout the Airport Database note the fields that are imported from the third party database. If the ...
Airport Module Overview
Accessing the Airports Module To access under the Aircraft Module select the Operations Tab and then the Airports button: The FOS Airport Database is a rather large database and is updated quarterly with data provided from a third-party. Updating the ...