Flight Log Module
Expenses Tab
Expenses Tab New Expense (Overview) Cost - Exp Type - Select an Expense Type. Alternatively, you can view the Expense Type Code descriptions and create new Expense Type Codes by pressing the Exp Type button. - Category - Select an Expense Category. ...
Introduction to the Flight Log
Introduction to the Flight Log The Flight Log displays all pertinent post flight information dealing with a trip, split up into legs. Selecting a leg from the top section will display specific information for that leg on each of the different tabs. ...
Leg Info
Leg Info - Leg Info - Gives you the basic summary of the Trip Requester, Leg Requester, Regulation, Authorizer, Planner, Cost sent info, and basic leg info.
Pax / Cargo Tab
Pax / Cargo Tab Passenger Search - Initials - Search Passenger records by initials. The initials are more like a passenger ID, than the standard 3 letter initials. In most cases, the initials will be first initial + first 3 letters of last name. If ...
A/C Log Tab
The A/C Log Tab - is where users can manually or through the FOS mobile application record standard maintenance information for that leg of the flight. Aircraft Hours, T/O and LND Section Aircraft- This will display the hours, T/O's, and LND's for ...
CASS- Continuing Analysis and Surveillance System On the Flight Log screen you can add a CASS report for the trip aircraft by using the red + Mobile Users can also submit the CASS report in the ARINC FOS Mobile app for the aircraft they are assigned ...