Interface Manager Module
Other Tabs
Accounting Tab (Main View of the Accounting Tab) Update Accounting- This option allows users to update the Accounting interface without updating the entire interface manager. For more information regarding this interface please refer to the ...
Introduction to the Interface Manager
There are many integration options that, when activated, allow FOS to communicate with various third party vendors to send and receive data. The settings on how often the Interface Manager should run, and which interfaces should be active, are ...
Email Log Tab
The Email Log Tab captures all emails that have been sent by FOS whether the email was sent by a user or alert. This allows users to verify if an alert or email was actually sent by FOS. Should users wish to clear the email log this can be done ...
Flight Data Tab
The Flight Data tab allows you to import off and on reports from ARINCDirect as well as information submitted from FOS Mobile. In order to begin receiving this type of information the Flight Data Interface check box must be marked in Company data on ...
Collins Aerospace Tab
The Collins Aerospace tab allows users to update either the Flight Manager or ARINCDirect interfaces without having to select Update Now. Update Flight Manager - This option will update only the Flight Manager portion of the interface manager. ...
Status Tab
The Status Tab allows users to review the number of successful transmissions that have occurred for each activated interface within FOS since the interface manager was last started. Footer Options: Update Now- This option will update all interfaces ...
Accessing the Interface Manager
There are two methods for accessing the Interface Manager. Using the first method, select the Admin Tab and then the Interface button: Using the second method, select the Utilities drop down menu from the FOS Main menu and select the Interface ...