FOS System Btrieve & Access Violations
Error: FOS ShellExecute() Error. Error number: 2. system Error msg: The specified file was not found.
Error: FOS ShellExecute() Error. Error number: 2. system Error msg: The specified file was not found. Solution: This error occurs when the File path for the FOS.exe and Image Path are not populated in Company Data. Pointing the image path to the FOS ...
Error: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host. (Error Code: 2064.10054)
Error: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host. (Error Code: 2064.10054) Support Solution: Clear users temp files
Error: Access Violation C35EFFFA write of address C35EFFFA. Write of address C35EFFFA.
Error: Access Violation C35EFFFA write of address C35EFFFA. Write of address C35EFFFA. Solution: If the user is receiving this error when logging into FOS please restart the server.
Error: Access violation at address 32084714 in module 'CC32160MT.DLL'. Read of address 00310043
Error: Access violation at address 32084714 in module 'CC32160MT.DLL'. Read of address 00310043 This might occur when submitting e-APIS. Solution: If users receive this error when trying to submit the passenger portion of e-APIS for 135 you will need ...
Error: Access violation at address 50034A17 in module ‘BORLNDMM.DLL’. Write of address 00000000.
Error: Access violation at address 50034A17 in module ‘BORLNDMM . DLL’. Write of address 00000000. Solution: To resolve this issue, clear the user's temporary files.
Error: Access violation at address 008C6907 in module 'Fos.exe' when running FM Trip Quotes
Error: Access violation at address 008C6907 in module 'Fos.exe'. Read of address 000000014. Support Solution: 1. Confirm with customer that the error is received by all users when running FM Trip Quotes. 2. Confirm error is received in another ...
Error: Access violation at address 008C339D in module 'fos.exe'. Read if address 00000014 when Running FM Trip Quotes
Error: Access violation at address 008C339D in module 'fos.exe'. Read if address 00000014 when Running FM Trip Quotes. The following can be found in the debug messages when the error occurs. 03/26/18 18:23 Exception: fm_fos_trip_quote 03/26/18 18:23 ...
Error: Access violation at address 00B78CC7 in module 'Fos.exe'. Read of address 00000069. in the Personnel and/or Passenger module
Error: Access violation at address 00B78CC7 in module 'Fos.exe'. Read of address 00000069. when selecting the Personnel module Solution: Open the convert utility and run the FmUpdate.btr convert for
Btrieve Error Disk Full (error=18) - while running converts
If you receive this error, it is likely caused by the drive being out of space. When this happens, the convert will not run properly and it may impact the active BTR file that was attempting to be updated. Do not run any further converts if you ...
Btrieve Error: The maximum number of Pervasive user count licenses has been reached (error=161) access_refresh_company: compinfo_open (Thread 0)
Error: The maximum number of Pervasive user count licenses has been reached (error=161) access_refresh_company: compinfo_open (Thread 0) Solution: The error you are receiving is related to the Pervasive License. To resolve this error message means ...
Btrieve Error: Requested key not found (error=4) tripdata_setup: tripinfo_get (Thread 0)
Error: Requested key not found (error=4) tripdata_setup: tripinfo_get (Thread 0) This error message may be received when a trip has been deleted, however, still appears on the FOS Schedule Board. Users may receive the above Btrieve error message ...
Btrieve Error: Requested key not found (error=4) sch_data_read_ac_single: aircraft_get (Thread 1)
Error: This error may be seen when opening Operations Requested key not found (error=4) sch_data_read_ac_single: aircraft_get (Thread 1) Solution: When this error occurs when opening the Operations Page/Schedule Board the user will need to log out of ...
Btrieve Error: Requested key not found ( error=4 ) sched_refresh_ac_lbox: aircraft_get EXA2 (Thread 0)
Error: This error may be seen when selecting reports in Auto Report setup. Cause of issue: Aircraft ID was changed. Requested key not found ( error=4 ) sched_refresh_ac_lbox: aircraft_get EXA2 (Thread 0) Solution: 1. Restart FOS program in IMU 2. ...
Btrieve Error: Invalid owner (error=51) sched_open_files: TripLegs (Thread 0)
Error: When error is received when opening up the Interface Manager on a new hosted instance. Invalid owner (error= 51 ) sched_open_files: TripLegs (Thread 0) Solution: If the userlog is encrypted, restore the decrypted user log and then encrypt the ...
Btrieve Error: Invalid key number (error=6) CrewTrainingItem::SynchronizeCrewTrain… crewitem_get (Thread 0)
Error: Invalid key number (error=6) CrewTrainingItem::SynchronizeCrewTrainingItems: crewitem_get (Thread 0) Solution: This error points to a convert button being missed during the last FOS update. To resolve this issue, all users will need to log out ...
Btrieve Error: I/O error during disk read/write (error=2) audtrail: btrieve_status(Thread10428) (Thread 0)
Error: Btrieve Error: I/O error during disk read/write (error=2) audtrail: btrieve_status(Thread10428) (Thread 0) Solution: Error message is received upon login to FOS for all users. Clear all Pervasive Sessions and/or reboot the FOS server.
Btrieve Error: File Access Denied (error=46) Quotcost_new_cost: onecost_insert (Thread 0)
Error: Btrieve Error: File Access Denied (error=46) quotcost_new_cost: onecost_insert (Thread 0) This error was presented sporadically when opening a new quote. Selecting OK would allow the user to continue, but all of the Additional Costs were ...
Btrieve Error: Couldn't change dir during expansion (error=35) FOS can not open the Btrieve data files.
Error: Couldn't change dir during expansion (error=35) FOS can not open the Btrieve data files. Use the Utilities | File Locations pull down menu to set the Data and Temporary Directories. password_init: compinfo_open (Thread 0) Solution: Ensure that ...
Btrieve Error: Btrieve Status 10 - The key is not modifiable. Key=[regpax.btr] DBIERR_KEYVIOL.
Error: Btrieve Status 10 - The key is not modifiable. Key=[regpax.btr] DBIERR_KEYVIOL. Solution: This is specific to the Report Tab in a Client / Passenger Record. The SSO / CRM / Account (Unique ID) field must be unique for each record. FOS will not ...
Btrieve Error: Btrieve Status 6 - The key number parameter is invalid. Key=[10] DBIERR_NOSUCHINDEX.
Error: Btrieve Status 6 - The key number parameter is invalid. Key=[10] DBIERR_NOSUCHINDEX. When error is received while using the search function within the Company Documents tab. Solution: It is possible that the VendDoc.btr convert was missed ...
Btrieve Error: Btrieve Status 6 - The key number parameter is invalid. Key=[6] DBIERR_NOSUCHINDEX.
Error: Btrieve Status 6 - The key number parameter is invalid. Key=[6] DBIERR_NOSUCHINDEX. Solution: Converts were missed during an update. Review a copy of the convert.txt file and look to see what converts were missed. All missed converts will need ...
Btrieve Error: Btrieve Status 5 - The record has a key field containing a duplicate key value.
Error: Btrieve Status 5 - The record has a key field containing a duplicate key value. Key = [acinfo.btr] DBIERR_NOUNIQUERECES Btrieve Status 5 - The record has a key field containing a duplicate key value. Key = [person.btr] DBIERR_NOUNIQUERECES ...
Btrieve Error: Btrieve Status 5 - The record has a key field containign a duplicate key value. Key=[msgtrip.btr] DBIERR_NOUNIQUERECS
Error: Btrieve Status 5 - The record has a key field containing a duplicate key value. Key=[msgtrip.btr] DBIERR_NOUNIQUERECS Solution: This error has been reported by users trying to access the Quote Request Module. The solution is to clear the ...
Btrieve Error: Btrieve Status 5 - The record has a key field containing a duplicate key value. Key-[fldlst.btr] DBIERR_NOUNIQUERECS
Error: Btrieve Status 5 - The record has a key field containing a duplicate key value. Key-[fldlst.btr] DBIERR_NOUNIQUERECS Solution: If the error message is being received when a user is trying to add an aircraft or crewmember on the User's Mobile ...
Btrieve Error: Btrieve Status 2 - The Application encountered an I/O error DBIERR_READER
Error: Btrieve Status 2 - The Application encountered an I/O error Key = [chklist.btr] DBIERR_READER Solution: If only a few users are seeing this error message and the users are on Pervasive version 12, the Collins Engineering Team can try ...
Btrieve Error: Btrieve error 8020 access_refresh_company: compinfo_open (Thread 0)
Error: Btrieve error 8020 access_refresh_company: compinfo_open (Thread 0) Btrieve error 8020 FOS can not open the Btrieve data files. Use the Utilities | File Locations drop down menu to set the Data and Temporary Directories. password_init: ...
Btrieve Error: Btrieve error 3006 userinfo: btrieve_status(Thread3524) (Thread 0)
Error: Btrieve error 3006 userinfo: btrieve_status(Thread3524) (Thread 0) Solution: Btrieve error 3006 generally means the client machine and FOS server are not communicating. It is possible that there are hung sessions in Pervasive which may be ...
Btrieve Error: Btrieve (error = 59) UpdateFltRec: fltrec. Open (Thread 0)
Error: File already exists (error = 59) UpdateFltRec: fltrec.Open (Thread 0) and/or Data Buffer shorter than defined record length (error=22) UpdateFltRec: Fltrec.Open (Thread 0) Solution: 1. (Recommended, but not required) Stop all services ... ...
Btrieve Error: (Btrieve Error 35). Table name is FLT Leg. Component is FltLeg Table, owned by InterfaceForm
Error: (Btrieve Error 35). Table name is Flt Leg. Component is FltLegTable, owned by InterfaceForm. Support Solution: When accessing the Flight Data Table and Btrieve Error 35 is displayed, please follow steps below. 1. On the FOS Server, open the ...
Btrieve Error: (Btrieve Error 8020). Cannot name the componentTAble name is Flt Leg. Component is FltLegTable, owned by InterfaceForm.
Error: (Btrieve Error 8020). Cannot name the componentTAble name is Flt Leg. Component is FltLegTable, owned by InterfaceForm. Solution: This error occurs with Pervasive 10 and lower. The DRM.DLL file will need to be removed from the FOS Folder, on ...
Btrieve error 51 when converting CREWDUTY.BTR for 3.13
When running the crewduty.btr for 3.13 the user may get a Btrieve error51. This is due to the DDFs not being updated when the 3.13 installer ran. Solution 1. Check the ddf files in the FOS Data folder - they should have a date of 11/16/22 2. If all ...
Btrieve Error - I/O error during disk read/write (error=2) vcl_display_comment: comment_get (Thread 0)
Resolution - In the FOS Data Folder rename these two btr files comment.btr and comment2.btr to ".old." Then under the login window -> select utilities -> Create Files -> Comment and Comment2
Common Btrieve Errors
1 – Normally the temp directory is set to another location besides the data server. The path may be changed in the ‘Utilities’ menu at the login window. 2 – The file is corrupted. The error message should indicate which file. The file must be sent to ...