FOS Core
Error: DocTable: Cannot modify a read-only dataset
Error: Receiving the error DocTable: Cannot modify a read-only dataset when trying to upload or edit a document in FOS Solution: Have the user log out and clear their temp files.
Initial Archiving & Purging Process
Please review attached document for the initial archiving and purging process in FOS.
Paths Tab in Convert.exe
This can be used to update the image paths of those tables. So if for the old path you put C:\oldfolder\ and the new path you put C:\newfolder it will go through all the records, find any that have the older folder name, and change it to the new ...
FOS and FOS Mobile Weather Documents
Weather Images are listed as Document Types with a Value of 50-56 in FOS. If these document types are listed as AD & FOS Mobile they will be available in FOS Mobile Application (see below). For any flights that are departing within 48 hours and as ...
How to position a crew back to their Home Airport
If a crew is displaying away on the schedule board a position activity can be added to show that they have positioned back to their home airport or positioned from their home airport to another destination. There are two codes that are defaulted into ...
FOS Interface Notification Alert
When the Interface Manager has not fully run the below message will be sent to the email address listed in the interface manager user record. If an email address is not listed in the user record this alert will be sent to the email listed in Company ...
Hide Broker or Sub-chartered aircraft without Activity
The "Hide Broker or Sub-chartered aircraft without Activity" Display option is useful when you have an aircraft that you broker flights or use supplemental lift. The aircraft will only show up on the schedule when there is a flight booked. To enable ...
Helicopter Type and Maintenance Settings In FOS
In the Aircraft Type Data, we're covering the highlighted fields. Stage The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has established limits on allowable levels of aircraft noise emissions, under Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR) Part ...
ETE rounding
Question: How to I make ETE always round to nearest 0:05? Answer: It is possible by adjusting the Roundoff option in Aircraft Type. Go to the Performance tab, un-tick the two Round-Up checkbox and add the ETE Roundoff value, eg 5.
Archiving Data Using the Purge Utility
Important note: Please make sure all users are out of FOS when using the Purge/Archive function. Another important note: To prevent any accidental issues, please make a backup copy of the BTR files in your FOS Data folder before using the ...
Using Custom Fields in the Aircraft Data
There are custom fields in the AIRCRAFT DATA on the Specs tab labeled Time 1 and 2 and Cycle 1 and 2 that allow you to track custom items (i.e. Steep Approaches) tied to either time or cycles. In this example below, a customer would like to track the ...
Signing off a CASS Item with a Certificate Number
The certificate number can auto-populate in to a CASS item being signed off. The steps below will walk the user through setting up FOS to accomplish this. The Personnel ID and the User ID in FOS must match as in the example below. The Certificate ...
Recent experience/Crew Currency Explanation for FAR 61.57 & 135.247 exception
For crewmembers to be eligible for the FAR 61.57 & 135.247 exception the following must be meet. The crewmember must hold at least a Commercial certificate, have 1500 total time as a pilot and have a 142 training date within the last 12 months in ...
Tracking Prop Times in FOS
First confirm in the Aircraft Type Record the correct number of engine accessories is entered. Then you will be able to add the Prop information on the Specs Tab of the Aircraft as shown below. You are able to select how or where you would like to ...
Silence or Turn Off Crewmember Legality Checks
There are cases where the user does not want to receive the legality warnings for crewmembers (i.e. contract pilots) that are not maintained in the FOS database. There may be other examples (i.e. other positions) they desire to silence warnings for ...
Schedule Board Timezone Definitions
Below are the definitions for the radio button options that can be set on the Schedule Board or in Scheduling Parameters. Time Zones: Local – local time for departure and arrival airports Home Base – aircraft home airport UTC – UTC time User Base – ...
Required Fields to add an Airport
The required information to add an airport into FOS are: Name City State and Zip Country ICAO Prefix Airport ID ICAO IATA City Latitude Longitude Time zone
Repositioning Crewmembers using an Activity
Timeline view shows a crewmember is away from their home base even though they arrived at the home base on a trip. However, the schedule board does not show the crewmember away from home base. In the below example the crewmember has returned to their ...
Remove Cancelled Trips
Issue - Cancelled trips will not go away from the Aircraft Schedule board. Background - FOS added a feature several years ago that provides users/companies to still see cancelled trips until all services have been cancelled and checklist items ...
Fuel Management in FOS - From Import to Report
FOS has several features that can help your flight department manage fuel expenses and communicate value to your owners/management. This article will attempt to walk you through the process and capabilities of importing fuel prices, selecting and ...
Error: Question mark ? in crew brief email
Error: Question marks appearing in emails sent from FOS. Crew Brief, Please Acknowledge TEST 27/02/18 14:04 Local (27/02/18 06:04 UTC) test Leg 1 27/02 22:00 ZJSY-ZBAA 01:24 0 TEST/// Leg 2 28/02 19:00 ZBAA-VHHH 22:06 0 TEST/// ...
Error: Reg not found while checking legality. Please define the requirements for '91 PIC' (in Regulations).
Error: Reg not found while checking legality. Please define the requirements for '91 PIC' (in Regulations). Reg not found while checking legality. Please define the requirements for '135 PIC' (in Regulations). Solution: In the Aircraft Types module, ...
Error: Requested key not found (error=4) sch_data_read_ac_single: aircraft_get (Thread 1)
Error: Requested key not found (error=4) sch_data_read_ac_single: aircraft_get (Thread 1) Solution: An Aircraft Record was deleted from FOS or changed incorrectly. The record will need to be added back to FOS with the same tail and AC ID.
Error: schlegal_get_airport: Airport not found.
Error: schlegal_get_airport: Airport not found. It appears that some trips are trying to run legality on have a blank airport ID. If it wasn't blank, but an airport that was not in the airport database, it would have put the ID in the error message. ...
Removing Airport Base Defaults
To remove an airport's set base default service Open the Passenger Module select the Options Drop Down Menu and then Base Default Pax. Then go to the ApServ/Checklist Tab and all of the Base Default Services will be listed there. You can remove it ...
Interface Manager Leg Update Codes - Flight Data tab, FOS Updated Column
When reviewing entries in the Interface Manager, on the Flight Data tab, the values of 0, 1, and 2 in the FOS Updated column have specific meanings. 0 = new record, nothing has happened to it yet. 1 = successfully updated record. 2 = tried to update ...
Error: Leg is Released without Minimum Required Crew.
Error: Leg is Released without Minimum Required Crew. Solution: 1. Ensure the required crewmembers are assigned to each leg. The "Released" warning is looking for a PIC and SIC position on all legs. 2. If all legs that are released have the required ...
Leg Code Warnings in a Trip or Quote
A Leg in FOS can have several letters in front of the leg number in the top of the trip or leg window. The following is a description of each of these letters meanings: * = (asterisk) Multiple errors. ARO and/or closed and/or endurance and/or runway ...
Grey FOS “Not Responding” or Locking Up
A few users have recently complained of FOS "freezing” or “locking up” when they try to access a database within another. An example of this would be when opening a trip and then trying to access a personnel/crewmember record. If this happens, ensure ...
FOS Main Menu will not fully expand on Surface Pro PC
If the FOS Main Menu will not expand to the full size on the Surface Pro PC adjust the zoom level to 100%. The default for the Surface Pro is recommended to show text at 200%.
Fuel Import Guide
Fuel Import The following screenshots will show you how to perform a fuel import into FOS. Before starting the import save the CSV file to either a folder on your desktop or a shared company drive then if hosted ,upload the file to the U Drive for a ...
ITS Support Interface
FOS now offers an International trip Support (ITS) interface with an established connection through Vendor Alliance. Before enabling the connection, an account should be setup with the vendor directly. Current providers: JetEx ( Setting ...
Error: XX is not a valid airport the US. There is no ICAO set in this airport. AP ID: XX (1) This is a fatal Error. FOS APIS 91 will now terminate.
Error: XX is not a valid airport the US. There is no ICAO set in this airport. AP ID: XX (1) This is a fatal Error. FOS APIS 91 will now terminate. XX is not a valid airport for departing the US. There is no alternate airport set in the leg to use as ...
Error: Unable to compute flight plan: Invalid ReserveFuel
Error: Unable to compute flight plan: Invalid ReserveFuel Solution: Review the Default Reserve Fuel field under Aircraft Weights on ARINCDirect. If the reserve is set to a time, ensure it is entered in the proper format. For example, a 45 minute time ...
Error: There is no default printer currently selected.
Error: There is no default printer currently selected. This error may be received when trying to save a trip in FOS, printing a report or accessing the FOS Scheduling board. Solution: 1. Open the Report Setup module, located on the FOS Main menu. 2. ...
Error: The crew assignment contains legs with actual times and cannot be removed or changed
Error: The crew assignment contains legs with actual times and cannot be removed or changed Solution: Right click on the pilot that needs to be removed from the remaining legs and select Verified Legs Only. This will remove the crewmember from any ...
Error: paxutil_calc_home_ap_gmtoffset: bad inputs
Error: paxutil_calc_home_ap_gmtoffset: bad inputs Solution: If this error is received when launching the Operations / Schedule Board, ensure the profile being used has Read-Only permission to the Aircraft profiles. The permission is required because ...
Error: MobileAcGroup Table: field index out of range
Error: MobileAcGroup Table: field index out of range This error may be seen when adding or editing a mobile group or data on the User's Mobile Tab. Solution: Open the convert.exe and re run all converts on the 3.11 tab excluding the UserLog.btr ...
Error: Mobile Account Administrator page unavailable
Error: Mobile Account Administrator page unavailable. Solution: If more than one Company within FOS, verify all the subsidiary companies have the same Flight manager credentials as the primary Company. Contact FOS Tech Support for these credentials. ...
Error: Is Pilot a transit crewmember? Leg
Error: Is Pilot a transient Crewmember? Solution: There is a certain amount of time set by the CBP to determine if a travel leg has ended. FOS is programmed to check if the crew member is within that time period before he flies back out of the US. ...
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