IT Server Topics
Error: Overflow while converting variant of type (Integer) into type (Word)
Error: Overflow while converting variant of type (Integer) into type (Word). Error message is received while updating the Flight Data tab within the Interface Manager. Solution: 1. Ensure the right DDFs are paired with the right version of FOS. - FOS ...
HTML Coding for iPhones with FOS 3.11.3 & Higher
For FOS Versions 3.11.3, the HMTL coding that provides phone hyperlinks and coloring in the FOS Mobile iPhone application was removed. This may also help if users on the iPhone are unable to scroll properly through the Activity or Leg Details on the ...
Error: Charter Vendor update failed: XML Document must have a top level element.
Error: Charter Vendor update failed: XML Document must have a top level element. Solution: 1. Increase the number of dynamic ports using "netsh" command OR 2. Reboot the system
Error: Cannot create file. The system cannot find the path specified.
Error: Cannot create file "C:\FOS\data\picture\WxImage17-9T8160.gif". The system cannot find the path specified. Solution: This is because the file is opened by someone's FOS. You can find out who by using Sysinternals' Process Explorer. Run a search ...
Error: FOS ShellExecute Error Number 5
Error: FOS ShellExecute() Error Number: 5 System Error Msg: The operating system denied access to the specified file. C:\FOS\FosReport.exe Solutions: 1. On the workstation affected, exclude FOS.exe from the DEP (Data Execution Prevention). Reboot the ...
Error: HTTP Error 403.4 - Forbidden: SSL Is Required To View This Resource
Error: HTTP Error 403.4 - Forbidden: SSL Is Required To View This Resource is received when navigating to the Web Test for FOS Mobile from IIS Solution: This means that SSL is enabled for the FOSMobileWS site. 1. To remove, select the FosMobileWS ...
Error: The program can’t start because W3BTRV7.DLL is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem.
Error: The program can’t start because W3BTRV7.DLL is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem. Solution: The workstation will need the 32-bit client version on Pervasive installed. If Pervasive is already ...
Error: GetMobile FIlter Error (-3): Error: Couldn't change dir during expansion ( error=35 )
Error: GetMobile FIlter Error (-3): Error: Couldn't change dir during expansion ( error=35 ) Solution: Verify the data directory path is set to the same path as set for the Pervasive database directory file path.
Error: Fos.exe - Entry Point Not Found
Error: Fos.exe - Entry Point Not Found The procedure entry point _NULL_IATA could not be located in the dynamic link library AND/OR Fos.exe - Entry Point Not Found The procedure entry point @InterfaceHelper@LoadTripDetails5qo could not be located in ...
Error: File privilege permission error, you do not have rights to complete the operation (error 94)
Error: File privilege permission error, you do not have rights to complete the operation (error 94) when running the convert utility after an update. Solution: Verify all users have read, write, and modify permissions for the file or files that ...
Error: 1053: The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion. When restarting Pervasive Services
Error: Windows could not stop the Pervasive PSQL Relational Engine 1053: The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion. Solution: In Task Manager, on the Processes tab find DATABASE SERVICE MANAGER (32 bit) or ...
Error: An error occurred while trying to replace the existing file: code 32
Error: An error occurred while trying to replace the existing file: DeleteFile failed code 32. The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. Solution: Executable files are likely stuck open somewhere, either on the ...
Error: An error occurred while trying to rename a file in the destination directory (movefile failed)
Error: An error occurred while trying to rename a file in the destination directory: MoveFile failed; code 183. Cannot create a file when that file already exists. Solution: Executable files are likely stuck open somewhere, either on the FOS Server ...
Error 7132: The PSQL engine type for this key does not match the installed PSQL engine.
Error: 7132: The PSQL engine type for this key does not match the installed PSQL engine. Solution: Is the correct version of Pervasive installed? Confirm the pervasive version the key belongs with (can be done with Amie or the Master Data Sheet). ...
Error: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it
Error: The error message below may be seen in the FosVendorSyncService.log 12/20/2016 11:01:34 AM , Vendor Activation - Sync Started 12/20/2016 11:01:36 AM , No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it SOURCE: System ...
Error: Pervasive Database is already in use
Error: Pervasive Database is already in use. Solution: If the FOS Database is not listed in the Pervasive Control Center, however the user receives an error that the database already exists when trying to create the database open the registry editor. ...
Error: set ok action: new data already enabled
Error: FOS System Error - Report to CTA set ok action new data already enabled Solution: Have all users log out of FOS and restart the pervasive services on the FOS Server.
Error: The following required fields are missing:
Error: The following required fields are missing: Unverified Date Current Total Date Solution: First ensure that the base default aircraft has been deleted. If not, delete and try to create/copy an aircraft record. If the error persists, the try the ...
Error: The following required fields are missing
Error: The following required fields are missing: Name Key Name Sounds Like Key Contact Comment Key FBO Comment Key Hotel Comment Key Cater Comment Key Limo Comment Key Special Comment Key Full Name Solution: To resolve this, run the following script ...
Error: TTaskMessageDialog requires Windows Vista or later.
Error: TTaskMessageDialog requires Windows Vista or later. Solution: If a customer receives this message when attempting to change trip formation the solution is to delete the temp files from the user's Temp Folder. When deleting a customer's temp ...
Userlog Update Temporarily Fixed License Expiration Error
Error: Userlog successfully applied and users are able to log in, but some time later the Expiration warning message re-appears. Solution: If the userlog is correct the culprit is likely the expiration date listed in Flight Manager. When the ...
Updating Pervasive
All users will need to be logged out of FOS for Pervasive to be updated. Also, if users are accessing FOS using a shortcut on their computer once the version of Pervasive has been updated on the server the local machines will also need to update to ...
Running a Script or Command in Pervasive PSQL
Note: Depending on the script, users may or may not need to be logged out of FOS. 1. Open the Pervasive Control Center on the FOS Server. 2. Select "Execute SQL Commands" and then select the FOS Database. Click "OK." 3. Type in the command / script. ...
Screen in FOS opening behind existing window
The below will offer options in resolving issues whereby FOS screens or popup windows open behind other windows. - For hosted customers, a group policy is in place, but this still may occur on occasion in which the solution is to have the users ...
Error: The Personnel and Passenger records within FOS do not save specific language keys
Error: The Personnel and Passenger records within FOS do not save specific language keys, such as: Ä/Ö/Ü/ß Solution: If a FOS customer is using another language and are unable to save data with foreign letters, the below function will need to be ...
Error: This application requires one of the following version of the .NET Framework: .NETFramework, Version = v4.7.2
Error: This application requires one of the following version of the .NET Framework: NETFramework, Version = v4.7.2 Do you want to install this .NET Framework version now? Solution: There are two possible solutions for this error 1. Install the .NET ...
How to Rename the FOS Database in the Vendor Alliance config file
1. Start Windows component services Click on the Windows start menu button and search for "component services" 2. Stop vendor alliance window services Click on "Services(Local) Click on FosVendorSyncService Click on the stop (sqare) button at the top ...
Error: Requested record is locked (error=84) comment: btrieve_status (Thread5392) (Thread 0)
Error: When accessing the FOS Login Window if a user receives an error: Requested record is locked (error=84) comment: btrieve_status (Thread5392) (Thread 0) Solution: Access the Pervasive Control Center from the FOS Server and clear all Pervasive ...
Error: The program can't start because DRM.DLL is missing from you computer.
Error: The program can't start because DRM.DLL is missing from you computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem. This error occurs when trying to launch FOS. Solution: 1. Verify that Pervasive is installed on the client machine and the ...
Error when sending an email from FOS using Outlook
If a user is receiving the error message below this means that Outlook is not installed on the FOS Server. Once Outlook is installed on the FOS Server users will be able to send emails from FOS using Outlook as their email client.