MAC Troubleshooting
Error: You have not chosen to trust "DigiCert Global Root CA", the issuer of the server's security certificate.
Error: You have not chosen to trust "DigiCert Global Root CA", the issuer of the server's security certificate. Contact your help desk for assistance. This may be received when the user launches FOS. Solution: The user will need to download the ...
Error: The SDK context supplied is not valid for the function called.
Error: The SDK context supplied is not valid for the function called. Contact your help desk for assistance. This error may occur when the user attempts to launch FOS on a Mac. Solution: Perform the following: Open System Preferences->Network and ...
Granting Citrix Access to Local Drives on a MAC
The steps below will allow the user to adjust the access to their local drives on a MAC computer, via Citrix. 1. In the Citrix Receiver, select Preferences 2. Then select "File Access" 3. Adjust the access level as desired for the level of access ...
MAC Issue - Drive not accessible after OS Update
Specific to Mac users: If you are having issues accessing drive locations through FOS after the OS update, or getting the below error, you will need to grant Citrix Viewer access to files and folders. Error: Desktop is not accessible. You might not ...
Safari will not launch FOS Login Window
If the current version of the Citrix Workspace App is installed and the FOS Login window still will not launch the Safari plug-in settings may need to be updated. 1. Open the Safari Preferences 2. Select the Plug-in Settings Option 3. Change the ...