The “Reports” Tab permits the user to set defaults for various reporting functions within FOS.
(Main view of the Reports Tab)
“E-Mail, Spread Sheet, HTML” Section
- You may choose the e-mail client which your company uses.
Note: If using FOS in a hosted environment, whether internally or externally hosted, it is likely your e-mail client program may not be on the server. If this is the case, you must use the “SMTP” option and have a mail server address entered on the “Web” tab in the Company Data.
Auto Print use SMTP E-Mail- box is checked if you want your automated reports to be sent via SMTP independently of the reports you send during the normal day-to-day operation which may use Outlook or Lotus Notes.
Check Address - The Check Address function is used in conjunction with the SMTP e-mail. It is meant to check addresses when sending. If the e-mail in FOS has no domain, the domain of the e-mail address on the General tab will be used in conjunction with the e-mail set for the crewmember, passenger, etc. to insure there is a proper e-mail when sent.
Lotus Notes E-Mail - These options are currently not activated in FOS.
Spread Sheet - The settings for Excel need to be set to the highest level for which Excel on your computer is capable of using.
HTML- The settings for HTML need to be set to the highest level for which your version of HTML on your computer is capable of using
“Character Separated Reports” Section
Character Separated Reports
- These fields are used for specialized reports and do not need to be used unless asked by a report designer.
Mobile Document Checkboxes
Auto Run Mobile Trip Document Reports for Trips Departing Within X Hours - This allows you to set up a report so that it will automatically attach to a trip or send to FOS mobile a specified number of hours prior to the trip departing.
Released Trips Only - The auto trip document will only generate for a trip that has been released.
Briefed Trips Only - The auto trip document will only generate for a trip that has been briefed.
Flight Plan Created Only -The auto trip document will only generate for a trip where flight plans have been generated.
Report Footer- Will appear at the bottom of many Standard and some Custom reports.
Sample Report Footer:
CRM - This is a special field used to set up a report that may interface with a customer resource management tool.
Bond Number - This field allows you to add your customs bond number that will display on some international customs reports.
Default Page Length- This field is used for specialized reports and does not need to be used unless asked by a report designer.
Default Report Section
Default Reports - These fields are used to set up reports for users who have only “view trip” access to the schedule (i.e. the Passenger/Crew login). These fields are also used as a quick print option from the reports menu at the bottom of the Edit Trip Notebook.
Example of where these reports can be accessed via Trip Notebook:
With Read-Only Permission user will see the reports here.
“Custom Labels, Crewmember Checks & Training Item Levels” Section
Pax/Crew/Vendor Web Page - This field allows the user to define a new name for the Web Page field within passenger, crew, and vendor records.
Crew SSO - This field allows the user to define a new name for the SSO field on the "Emp" tab within a personnel record.
Pax State No - This field allows the user to define a new name for the Pax State No field on the "Pax" tab within a passenger record.
Pax Federal No - This field allows the user to define a new name for the Pax Federal No field on the "Pax" tab within a passenger record.
Company State No - This field allows the user to define a new name for the Pax State No field on the "Pax" tab within a passenger record.
Company Federal No - This field allows the user to define a new name for the Pax Federal No field on the "Pax" tab within a passenger record
Pax/Crew/Vendor Full Name- This field allows the user to define a new name for the full name field within passenger, crew, and vendor records.
Crewmember Checks Section
Crewmember Checks - These fields correspond to the custom fields on the “Crew” tab in personnel.
Sample of customized crewmember checks:
Training Item Levels Section
Training Item Levels - If the fields as described do not meet the needs of the user’s specific operation, the labels may be changed so that they may better suit the needs of the company.