Updating FOS

Updating FOS

Updating Flight Operations System (FOS)
(Only for FOS systems that are under a current support contract)

Before running the FOS Installer, you will need to uninstall the FOS Vendor Alliance Program on the server. If your company has FOS Mobile, the FOS Mobile Web Service and FOS Mobile Host programs must be uninstalled as well. Save a copy of the mobile host and web service configuration files prior to uninstalling. **IF your company does not use Vendor Alliance and/or Mobile you can omit this step as you will not have anything to uninstall**

1. Stop the services for the Mobile Host and FOSVendorSyncService.
2. Save a copy of the Mobile Host, Web Service, and Vendor Alliance Configuration files.
3. Uninstall the programs from the Control Panel.

After running the FOS Installer use the old configuration files to update any file paths that have been changed from the default in the Vendor Alliance, Mobile Host, and Web Service configuration files.

Additional information on updating these files is located in this guide in step 8.

1. Determine what version of FOS you are currently running and where your Data Directory is located by clicking Help then About...from the main FOS menu. You will need this information later. Before updating, it is imperative that your FOS be on version 3.10.X or higher.

2. ENSURE THAT YOU HAVE A GOOD BACKUP OF YOUR FOS DATA FOLDER AND THAT EVERYONE IS OUT OF FOS BEFORE UPDATING. Depending on your version of Pervasive the below may be a slightly different structure but the person(s) managing your server should be aware of services and locations.
  1. Check the Pervasive Monitor Utility on the FOS Data server to ensure all sessions are closed.
    1. This can be found under the Start Menu -> Pervasive -> Utilities ->
    2. The sessions are under the Microkernel -> Active Users menu.
  2. For all FOS users, stop the Pervasive Services. This can be done by accessing Start Menu -> All Programs -> Administrative Tools -> Services:
    1. Depending on your Pervasive version, you may need to right click on Actian Zen Enterprise Server and select "Stop" or for lower versions of Pervasive:
      1. Right click on “Pervasive PSQL Relational Engine” and select “Stop.”
      2. Right click on “Pervasive PSQL Transactional Engine” and select “Stop.”
    2. Note: If you have the Pervasive Workgroup Engine, you will only have one Pervasive entry entitled “Pervasive PSQL Workgroup.”
  1. For FOS Mobile users, stop the FOS Mobile Host service as well. If you do not use mobile, this does not apply.
    1. Start Menu -> All Programs -> Administrative Tools -> Services
    2. Right click on “FOS Mobile Host” and select “Stop.”
    3. This may be restarted after the update process is completed.
  1. Back up the data, by making a copy of the DATA folder and saving it in a separate location on your computer.

3. Visit our sftp site for the latest FOS version zip file.
  1. Accessing the SFTP site
  2. Drag or save the file exe to your FOS server’s Desktop.

4. Double-click on the FOS_setup_(version number).exe on your FOS server’s Desktop to run the installer. Follow the prompts on the installer (series of screenshots below).

(Change the location path to point to your company’s FOS directory, if different than C:\FOS)

(Change the Data location path to point to your company’s FOS Data folder, if different than C:\FOS\data)
  1. Select the items you wish to install. For just the FOS installation, select the ‘Executables and DLLs’, ‘Data Definition Files’, ‘FOS Standard Reports’, and ‘FOS Help Files’.
  2. If you have FOS Mobile, select the ‘Mobile Web Service’ and ‘Mobile Host Windows Service’ option.

Regarding the Crystal Runtime Files:
  1. If you have already installed Crystal 2013 Runtime files (from the 3.10.6 FOS Update), you do not need to select the Crystal 2013 Runtimes files again in the installer above.

Once all components are selected, choose Finish on the final installer window.

5) Restart the Pervasive services.
  1. Restart the FOS Mobile Host service, if applicable.

6) Run the file CONVERT.EXE which is located in your FOS directory on the server. This will open the FOS Conversion Utilities. Select the version tab where your FOS is coming from.
  1. Click each convert button under every group that has a version number greater than what you were currently running through the version you are updating to.
    1. Ex: I was on FOS version 3.11.0 prior to updating to 3.11.5. I will need to click the buttons for 3.11.1, 3.11.2, 3.11.3, 3.11.4, and 3.11.5
    2. Note: not all versions have convert buttons.
  2. When you click a button, let the process complete before clicking the next button. You will know that a process has completed when you see END in the white dialog box to the right.

7) Also in the Convert.exe, click on the Updates tab and then click the Update Codes.btr & CodeName.btr button.

8) For instructions on updating the FOS Mobile Host, FOS Mobile Web Service, and FOSVendorSyncService please see additional help guides below.
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